Fitness training can be broken down into three main components: cardiovascular, strength and flexibility. Care to guess which one gets overlooked the most? Or
Fitness training can be broken down into three main components: cardiovascular, strength and flexibility. Care to guess which one gets overlooked the most? Or is most often done wrong? I think most people would agree it's stretching, which many don't do much of at all, but is just as important. It's more fun and interesting to embark on a weightlifting or cardio routine. People have asked me before what kind of weightlifting or cardio I do, how much or for how long, but they've rarely asked about stretching. But if you don't stretch right - before, during and after - injuries will be much more likely. Maintaining good flexibility becomes more and more important as we get older. It can actually keep you moving a lot better well into life. Here are some flexibility tips:
Take stretching seriously Be as serious about stretching as the main core of your fitness program Any stretching will help, provided you use proper form. However, a few quick stretches before working out won't do much. Think and learn more about stretching.
Come up with a stretching plan designed for you Pay particular attention to your specific needs and what types of activities you do. One size, or stretching program, does not fit all. It will improve stability and mobility in all you do.
Focus on problem areas Listen to your body and it will tell you certain areas need special stretching attention. Get a good all-around stretch, but also make sure to give extra time to tighter areas, or ones with an injury history.
Use proper form First and foremost, don't try to do an all-out stretching routine when you're just starting a workout! The body will be cold and results will be greatly reduced. Do some general, very light stretching for a few minutes, get in about 5-10 minutes of light walking, biking or jogging and then spend 5-10 minutes doing a complete stretch. Avoid bouncing or jerking, instead slowly stretch your muscles to the endpoint of movement and hold the stretch for about 10 to 30 seconds. Senior citizens, people with injuries or other special situations may need to take precautions.
Stretch your mindset Finally, even if you're a teen or 20-something who's one of the top athletes around, know that stretching is still highly important for you. It's not something to be taken seriously just by the old or unconditioned. A consistent stretching program will be more important in the long run than how much you can bench press or squat.
Category Archives: Positive Psychology in the Classroom
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If you have any questions about your routine or anything fitness-related, send it his way at askraphael@. Raphael, Hi. I am a 50-year-old woman
cardio pros and cons risks weights
Hi. I am a 50-year-old woman who needs to lose about 40 pounds. I go to the gym at least three times a week and perform both cardio (the elliptical is my favorite) and strength training. Should I perform strength training before cardio or the opposite? I work on the elliptical machine about 40 minutes at a 2-3 resistance. Is this enough? What do you suggest? And should I switch off the elliptical with the treadmill every other day? - Lynda
Several years ago, many personal trainers claimed that weight training before cardio was the most effective approach to lose fat. Their reasoning was that a person loses glycogen during weight training. Glycogen is stored energy within the body, which originates from glucose (stored sugar/carbohydrates). So it seemed to make sense that one would weight train first to burn glycogen (carbs) and then perform cardio afterward to access stored body fat. However, this is a very simplistic view of how the body operates. In reality, whether you perform cardio before or after weight training will not affect how much body fat you lose.
I generally recommend weight training before a cardio session for a different reason. When one weight trains, they're trying to constantly improve the weight poundage used in order to become stronger and tighter. This can be very taxing on the body, and to attempt lifting challenging weights after a sweat-producing cardio session can place you at risk for injury due to lower energy levels - exercise technique can easily be compromised.
If one is working with moderate or light weights, then the order of cardio and weights doesn't matter. In that case, I recommend performing the order you prefer and that will help make your workout fun and interesting.
Regarding your second question, if the Elliptical resistance of 2-3 is enough depends on several factors. Here are the questions to ask yourself: Am I within my target heart rate range and performing cardio at 65-85 percent of max heart rate? Or, do I feel somewhat challenged in my cardio session but can still carry on a conversation if I had to? This is also referred to as RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).
Let's discuss target heart rate first.
The target heart range formula is based on age, so I'll calculate yours for you:
If you're exercising anywhere in the 110-144 beats per minute range, then you're at an acceptable level of intensity. The best way to monitor heart rate is by using a heart rate monitor.
Although target heart rate is a very good way to monitor intensity, I prefer Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE). RPE is a method that requires you to pay close attention to your body and what's happening to it - and that's an approach I've always liked. RPE is a subjective rating of how hard you're working during exercise, which is based primarily on your breathing. You simply evaluate how short of breath you are using a scale from 1-10.
Here is a scale to show what you should be feeling at each level:
1This is the feeling you would experience at rest. There is no feeling of fatigue. Your breathing is not at all elevated. You will not experience this level during exercise.2This is the feeling you would experience while getting dressed. Your breathing is not elevated.3This is the feeling you would experience while slowly walking across the room to turn on the television. There is little feeling of fatigue. You may experience this right at the beginning of an exercise session.4There is a very slight feeling of fatigue. Your breathing is slightly elevated but comfortable. You should experience this level during the initial stages of your warm-up.5There is a slight feeling of fatigue. You are aware of your breathing, which is deeper than that of level four. You should experience this level at the end of your warm-up.6There is a general feeling of fatigue, but you know that you can maintain this level of exertion. Your breathing is somewhat deep. You should experience this level in the transition from your warm-up to your exercise session.7This is the feeling you would experience when you are exercising vigorously. There is a definite feeling of fatigue, but you are sure you can maintain this level. Your breathing is deep and you are definitely aware of it. You could carry on a conversation, but you would probably choose not to do so. This is the baseline level of exercise that you should maintain in your workout sessions.8This is the feeling you would experience when you are exercising very vigorously. There is a definite feeling of fatigue, and if you asked yourself if you could continue for the remainder of your exercise session, your answer would be that you think you could but you're not sure. Your breathing is very deep. You could still carry on a conversation, but you'd rather not. This is the level that produces rapid results for many people but you must first get used to level seven.9This is the feeling that you would experience if you were exercising very, very vigorously. Your breathing is very labored. It would be very difficult to carry on a conversation. This is a feeling you may experience for short periods when trying to achieve a level eight. You should not be experiencing level nine on a routine basis and should slow up when you do.10You should not experience level 10. This is the feeling you would have with all-out exercise.
Now about your final question of switching from the elliptical and treadmill every other day. Realize that the body will adapt to any routine in 3-4 weeks. So, some weeks perform them every other day and some weeks work more on one then the other. Then other times, vary the duration and speed. This will keep you progressing.
Best of luck and don't forget that proper nutrition is vital to help you lose those extra pounds. If you're an eDiets member, I highly recommend discussing your meal plan and activity level with one of eDiets registered dieticians. And don't forget you can always ask me as many questions as you wish on my support board called Exercise and Fitness!
Always remember to consult with your physician before starting any exercise program.
Cardio or Weight Lifting First? Ask The Fitness Dude
Busting the Cardio Versus Weights Myth of Fitness
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Cardio before or after weights Ask Cassey
Cardio before or after weights Ask Cassey TRAIN LIKE A BEAST LOOK LIKE A BEAUTY ogorgeous-com BLOG blogilates-com FB facebook-com TWEET twitter-com TUMBLR Fitness Ask Raphael: Cardio or Weights First?
Energy Density - A huge part of weight control revolves around the concept of energy density. Its a very simple concept for equal volumes, some foods will have much lower calories than other ...
Exercise Nutrition Chapters 18 & 23 Nutrients Six major nutrients ...
Energy Density, Big vs. Little People, & Clean vs. Dirty Eating
Energy Density
A huge part of weight control revolves around the concept of energy density. It’s a very simple concept – for equal volumes, some foods will have much lower calories than other foods. There are a few mainstream books on the topic that are actually good reads – Volumetrics and Eat This, Not That.
A prime example of energy density is a comparison of broccoli vs. Skittles.
One cup of broccoli will run about 30 calories while one cup of Skittles will run slightly north of 400 calories.
It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that eating more energy-sparse foods will make it easier to control calories. It doesn’t hurt that energy-sparse foods tend to be your fruits, vegetables, lean meats, etc… ya know, the stuff that’s healthy. Energy-dense foods tend to be the highly processed, nutrient-sparse foods that are easy to overeat. This isn’t always the case, mind you.
Generally the low energy density foods are high in water and fiber while the high energy density foods are low in water and higher in fat.
Basing your diet around foods that have low energy-densities is one ‘trick’ to promote satiety and calorie control. And if you’re one of those people who has always had trouble packing on weight, making sure you’re including energy dense foods in your diet is an important step.
Big vs. Little People
No, I’m not talking about giants fighting midgets. I simply wanted to highlight a fact many people seem to gloss over. Because larger people have higher daily energy expenditures on average, they have more “wiggle room” calorically speaking.
When your daily energy expenditure is 3,500+ you can afford to run a deeper deficit… maybe down to 2,000 or so. This means that even if you’re underestimating calorie intake, you’re likely to still run a deficit. Plus, if you plateau, you have some room to bring calories down a bit further.
On the contrary, a smaller person might have a daily expenditure of 1,500 per day. Supposing she wants to lose a little fat, she can’t create near the deficit the preceding person could… at least without impacting energy levels, health, muscle, adequate nutritional status, etc. What this means is she’ll lose fat at a much slower rate. It also means that small deviations from compliance and/or small inaccuracies in calorie reporting are likely to mean her assumed deficit is really closer to maintenance. This is the primary reason so many folks are in supposed plateaus.
Be sure you’re assessing calories relative to your status.
Page 12
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Here's a quick, delicious way to get a full serving of fruit!
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At 120 calories or less per serving, the Yoplait Frozen Smoothies fit perfectly into a healthy diet. Smoothies are ideal as part of an on-the-go breakfast, just right as a nutritious snack or delicious as a guilt-free dessert. You can add flaxseed for a nutritional boost or protein powder for a post-workout smoothie.
Yoplait Frozen Smoothies are a simple way to get a full serving of fruit and - with 2 grams of fat or less per serving - you won't have to feel guilty about how good they taste!
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Serving your family fresh fruits doesn't have to be difficult. Pick up Yoplait Frozen Smoothies in the frozen fruit section of your grocery store for a nutritious, delicious way to add a full serving of fruit to your diet today!
*NHANES 99-02, 2+ years
Yoplait Frozen Smoothies Delicious, Low-Cal, and Healthy Snacks ...
ve long been a fan of using smoothies to get a serving or two of ...
Buy It! Youll find Yoplait Smoothies in the frozen fruit aisle of ...
Yoplait Frozen Smoothies: Get Your Fruit Fast Diet Articles
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ProductTestDummy Tests Reviews Cuisinart Blender and Yoplait Triple Berry Smoothie This is the first test review from PoductTestDummy Im trying a cuisinart blender food prossessor and some yoplait frozen smoothie mix Fitness Yoplait Frozen Smoothies: Get Your Fruit Fast
Core training is not a fad yet it is often poorly understood and incorporated into training programs. Here are some quick tips to ensure you engage the core properly to minimize the chances of injury ...
... three core stability exercises often ignored by fitness professionals
Focusing on the arch of the lower back
Core training is not a fad yet it is often poorly understood and incorporated into training programs. Here are some quick tips to ensure you engage the core properly to minimize the chances of injury and reap the rewards of a strong and stable core.
The first thing to consider when establishing proper core position is posture. We want to have the head neutral, the chest up, shoulders down and back and hips level with a small curve in the lower back. From the side view if your belt line points down too much toward the front you may have excessive arch in the lumbar spine i.e. the lower back. Ideally we want the belt line to be parallel with the ground or slightly down.
So how do we determine the amount of arch in the lower back? We do this by placing the hands on the lower back, fingers towards the middle, and thumbs on the hips. As you arch back and look at the ceiling you should feel the muscles of the lower back relax. Conversely as you round forward and look towards the floor you should feel the muscles of the lower back contract. Now slowly stand up and arch back but stop at the point where you feel the muscles relax again. At this point ensure that the joints above and below the hips are neutral and you will be on track for ensuring core stability in your training.
Keep training for your peak!
Chris Collins holds a Master of Science degree (M.Sc.) in physiology and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS). Based out of Kelowna, BC he operates Okanagan Peak Performance which serves to minimize the potential for injury while enhancing performance. Chris is the most recent two-time recipient of the 'Top Trainer' in the central Okanagan, is a contributor to a number of fitness publications and a consultant to Olympic, professionals and collegiate athletes and teams. Contact him at
Total Surfing Fitness - Core Stability Exercise Balancing on the fitball Fitness Core Stability
Commonly question about Fitness Core Stability
Question :
WII software, gentle exercises for core stability?
just got a WII and i want to get back into doing some gentle exercise to begin with as i have poor core stability, can anyone advise me what is the best software that wont give me a coronary ! there are so many fitness games im alittle overwhelmed. many thanks
Answer : wii fit plus. It is all about balance/coordination, and can be as gentle as you want it to be.
It has a bunch of "yoga" exercises, which sound exactly what you want/need.
Question :
Core Stability Exercises?
I was just wondering what exercises or fitness programs I could do to improve my core stability?
Thanks in advance xx
Answer : Pilates.
Question :
Help with Fitness PPLLEEAASSEE!!!?
Can you please answer these below?? Ive been struggling a lot with this. 1. What style of resistance training is useful for athletes who participate in sports that require powerful, propulsive movements? A. Periodization B. Plyometric C. Cyclic D. Hypertrophic 2. The most important aspect of resistance training is the A. number of repetitions performed. B. amount of weight lifted. C. number of times the exercise is performed per week. D. correct performance of the exercise. 3. Poor balance can be a sign of A. the need for corrective lenses. B. weak core muscles. C. the selection of the wrong type of exercise. D. poor concentration. 4. Correct form during strength training is important because it A. makes you look good while you re working out. B. improves the quality of exercise and decreases the risk of injury. C. enhances the way you breathe and stretch. D. helps you to do more repetitions. 5. As a general rule, it usually takes _______ hours for a muscle to fully recover and repair following resistance exercise. A. 12 to 24 B. 48 to 72 C. 36 to 48 D. 24 to 36 6. Which one of the following exercises is the basic abdominal exercise for core training? A. Push/pull B. Sit-up C. Rotation D. Ab crunch 7. High-intensity training involves performing resistance exercises A. for a duration of at least 45 minutes. B. until you start to feel minor muscle and joint pain. C. without machines or equipment. D. to the point of temporary muscle failure. 8. The 1-RM test is ideal for testing the maximum lifting capacity of A. new exercisers. B. individuals with high blood pressure. C. young children and the elderly. D. moderately fit individuals. 9. Which one of the following types of exercise focuses primarily on strengthening the core? A. Aerobic exercise B. Running programs C. Weight training D. Pilates 10. Children should be limited to no more than _______ repetitions of exercise and activities that encourage motor development. A. 6 to 10 B. 2 to 6 C. 8 to 12 D. 4 to 8 11. Periodization helps to prevent _______, which can lead to a decline in fitness. A. plyometrics B. overtraining C. repetition maximum D. hypertrophy 12. Core exercises stimulate the A. biceps. B. quadriceps. C. abdominal muscles. D. muscles in the neck. 13. Whenever an activity is performed that challenges balance and core stability, the lower back should be braced in the spine _______ position. A. flexion B. arched C. extension D. neutral 14. The core includes muscles in the abdomen, back, pelvic floor, and A. neck. B. legs. C. arms. D. hips. 15. Resistance training is sometimes called _______ training. A. aerobic B. isometric C. strength D. calisthenic 16. Proper bracing of the spine puts the core in position to A. ease breathing. B. increase flexibility and range of motion. C. improve control and coordination. D. endure very heavy weight. 17. Why are lower-back exercises often neglected in a typical program? A. Regular performance of lower-back exercises can lead to pain and muscle fatigue. B. Many people find lower-back exercises extremely uncomfortable to perform. C. Lower-back exercises typically don t produce visible results. D. Most facilities lack the equipment necessary to exercise lower-back muscles. 18. A weak core can lead to which one of the following problems? A. Flat feet B. Lower-back pain C. Arthritis D. Headaches 19. Much of the difference in body mass between men and women is attributed to _______ levels. A. lactic acid B. testosterone C. blood cholesterol D. estrogen End of exam 20. What are the three components of hatha yoga? A. Balancing, breathing, and resting B. Breathing, postures, and meditation C. Concentration, stretching, and balancing D. Breathing, weight training, and meditation 21. A strong core reduces the risk of A. osteoporosis. B. muscle fatigue. C. injury and muscle pain. D. cardiorespiratory disease. 22. To increase the difficulty of abdominal curl-ups, place your hands A. on your knees. B. behind your back. C. above your head. D. on your shoulders. 23. The most popular Western type of yoga is _______ yoga. A. mantra B. raja C. karma D. hatha 24. Pilates develops strength and flexibility without A. adding bulk. B. requiring concentration. C. aligning the body. D. improving posture. 25. _______ muscle contractions cause observable changes in muscle fiber length. A. Static B. Isotonic C. Isometric D. Stabilized
Answer : bring this long *** list top a golds gym and ask the chick behind the counter.
I've honestly never thought about the dangers of tattoos. They are so common that I'm sure many of us assume they're safe.But, when you stop and think
Body Art : Safe Or Sorry? Tattoo Tips
I've honestly never thought about the dangers of tattoos. They are so common that I'm sure many of us assume they're safe.
But, when you stop and think about what a tattoo entails (injecting ink under your skin), perhaps we should be paying more attention to the possible risks. For example, what happens to the ink when the tattoo begins to fade?
Truth be told, the FDA does not regulate the ink used for tattoos. Surprising? According to the article, this is because of other public health priorities and a previous lack of evidence of safety concerns. Concerned? Click here to learn more.
Eunice, DTR, CPT-ACE
Nutrition Specialist
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going
Kit Image Of Get Image Embed Code Kids Safe Glitter Tattoo
My Tattoos and Bodybuilding I still need a bit more lighting to get the effect Im looking for but this is a huge improvement from my past videos Let me know if you have Fitness Tattoos. Safe?
Sometimes it's when you least it expect that your aha moment comes. It's the moment where right then, right there, you realize things need to change.
Connie Selleca wearing her prescription drop temple glasses - a photo ...
For Connie B., her "aha moment" came a little later in life. At 58, this 17-year veteran teacher from Texas made a routine appointment for a bone density scan. When she showed up, however, she got some unexpected news: The nurse told her they couldn't perform the scan in that facility because the bed would not support her weight. Connie was carrying 272 pounds on her 5'4 frame, and right at that moment she realized, "I have to do something about this."
Connie chose the Heart Smart Diet due to high blood pressure and high cholesterol, not to mention she thought it seemed like a very well-balanced and healthy plan to follow. "From the very beginning, I used the meal plan and the shopping list and was very successful!"
Having tried other diets in the past, what made this time the time for Connie to lose the weight once and for all? She says, "I was so close to 300 pounds; it really scared me that I got so heavy! I also was nearing retirement, and I wanted to enjoy that time, so I just HAD to."
So where is Connie today? She's come so far, from size 26 to size 6, from 272 pounds to a slim, trim, and healthy weight of 136 pounds! That's right - she's literally HALF HER FORMER SIZE! She reached her goal in November of 2007 and has been maintaining ever since. Not only that, but she's completely off of her high blood pressure medication! She's decreased her risk for heart disease and lost an incredible 136 pounds! We thought this was an achievement to be applauded and celebrated for sure, so we brought Connie to our most recent commercial shoot! Watch closely to see if you can spot her!
Connie says this has helped teach her moderation in all things, and has found that her tastes have actually changed! She says, "Candy doesn't appeal as much; I like a good fruit salad better than sweets!" The long time teacher is a student once again - sounds like an A+ to us!
Losing the weight has absolutely changed Connie's outlook. She's looking forward to an active retirement with her husband now, she no longer hides from the camera and her enormous smile in her photos reveals how happy she's been since dropping the extra weight.
"I received an unexpected compliment," she recalls. "Someone told me I was "cute and bubbly and full of energy" and that surprised me... until I realized, she's right! I am full of energy. Before, I couldn't even climb up a few stairs without hanging on to the handrail for support!
"I can't describe it! I never believed I could look or feel like I do; I was heavy for so long I just couldn't imagine it! I'm a totally different person now, because I CAN be!"
Related video about Fitness Half Her Size: Connie Lost 136 Pounds!
Half Her Size
Half Her Size Better TV talks with a woman who stepped up her exercise routine and slimmed down to half her former size Fitness Half Her Size: Connie Lost 136 Pounds!
Do you want to start a running program, but aren't sure how to do it? Here are a few simple tips to get started toward reaching a variety of goals. Whether
Running Programs
Do you want to start a running program, but aren't sure how to do it? Here are a few simple tips to get started toward reaching a variety of goals.
Whether you want to run to lose weight, improve your muscle tone, are thinking of entering a local 5 or 10K, or all of the above, becoming a good runner isn't as hard as you might think.
1. Get a good pair of shoesNo matter what your fitness level, getting a good pair of shoes is a must before running. If you've had foot, ankle or Achilles problems, it's a good idea to talk to a specialty shoe store about shoes, and possibly options for inserts or special insoles. Insoles actually helped me get over Achilles' tendonitis that had limited my running for several years. If the pain persists, you should of course talk to a doctor.2. Set up a seven-day programWhether it's weight training, biking, swimming, or in this case, running, it's best to set up a program where a hard training day is followed by a lighter day. This allows for a pattern of training hard and then a lighter day to recover. When you work muscles hard, they need to rest before training hard again.
3. Here's a sample running program (fill in the time an distance based on your fitness level)
* Monday - Run at a comfortable pace, but not too far
* Tuesday - Hard workout day, start out at a casual pace and then work up to at least 1-2 miles of faster running.
* Wednesday - Recovery day - go for a light jog. Get the heart rate going a little, but not too hard. Enjoy the scenery.
* Thursday - Increase the distance workout - run 2-3 miles farther than you're used to
* Friday - Take the day off from running, but feel free to mix in another form of exercise like a bike ride or swim
* Saturday - Big workout day - chances are you're off of work and have some extra time. Go for at least 8-10 miles, but you might need to really train for weeks or months to work up to this distance. Go shorter if that's all you can do, like 4-6 miles.
* Sunday - off
If a Saturday is booked for you, then once you've been training for a while you could work the longer run in on Tuesdays or Thursdays. If you want to mix in weight training, vary which days you work out certain body parts.
Running can be a great way to get in shape and stay there. You may be able to finish a local road race, or even earn a ribbon or medal. At the least, you'll certainly be able to quickly get away from that weird neighbor who always tries to talk to you on your road. Good luck.
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Commonly question about How to set up a running program:
Question :
How do I set up windows to run a program on start up?
I want to run a certain program when my laptop starts. I also want to disable my virus scanner (this PC is not online).
How do I set up my PC to run a program when it starts? Is there a way to do this through MSconfig or something similar? I dont think I can set the program to do it.
And how do I turn off my virus scanner (symantec)? Do I do this through the program itself?
Answer : create a shortcut to the program you want to run then put the short cut in your start> all programs> start up
with msconfig you can disable programs that have start up keys in the registry in the start up section
Question :
How do you set Netbeans up so you can make changes while running your program?
I m getting into animation and would like to be able to see the way the program reacts as I change values, how do I do this? Is it even possible? I KNOW I have seen it done in Eclipse.
Answer : You cannot change the program "mid flight" as the code requires to be compiled before it can be interpreted.
What you can do is run the program in debug mode using a breakpoint to halt execution at a set instruction. Variables accessible at this point can be seen in the variables tab. You can now change the value of any of the variables by simply typing in the new value over the existing value. This should not be done however to any subscript variables being used in a for loop.
Have fun.
Question :
How do you set up a programs to run on two different computers but on the same net work?
For example, On my office computer i can run a program but my boss can access the same program also and work in it while im working on the same program? If that makes any sense...i knw you might need 2 logins for the program i just dont knw how to set it up? Help! Thanks
Answer : Which program is this? You can setup any program to run on the same network? You need to contact your tech support or the software company would give you some help. Since you never said which software it is? Also you need to be the system admin for that software to add users to login. If no one is in your office has rights to that, call up the maker of the software and explain in detail what you trying to do.
Arguably the simplest, best way to work your abdominal muscles is the Plank. Most people know about sit-ups, ab crunches and even using exercise balls for
plank abs exercise
Arguably the simplest, best way to work your abdominal muscles is the Plank. Most people know about sit-ups, ab crunches and even using exercise balls for sit-ups, but the Plank out-performs them all when it comes to results. It's a core-strengthening exercise worth trying. Here's how to do a basic Plank, also known as a Hover: * Lay face down on the floor or use an exercise mat or other flat surface * Get in starting Plank position with forearms and toes on the floor. * Prop yourself up to form a bridge using your toes and forearms and keep your back flat and hips parallel to the ground. It's important to keep your back in a flat alignment - don't let it sag or prop up too high. Looking straight ahead will help you keep your back straight Basically, you're lifting yourself up to a parallel position and supporting yourself. * Hold this position for 10 seconds to start. * Over time work up to 30, 45, 60 or more seconds. It doesn't sound that hard, but try holding that position for any length of time and youll see how challenging it is. It will give your abs a great workout. The Plank not only works strength, but will help build your muscle endurance. To make this even harder, try side planks in which you prop yourself up from the side on one arm, using similar principles of the flat plank. I recommend doing two or three sets for as long as you can go to start. After you've gained strength in these, then start trying to do three sets for 1 or 1 1-2 minutes each and then increase the time as you get better at them. The core is at the center of everything we do and there aren't many better exercises for it than the plank.
Pack Abs - Message Board
The plank exercise is a great way to build endurance in both the abs ...
Six Pack Abs 4 Minutes Health & Fitness Blog
by losing muscle as well would be walking around with six pack abs ...
Related video about Walk the Plank to six-pack abs
Just Fitness 4 U- Exercise Of The Day - Superman-Crunch Rolls into Walking Planks
Just Fitness 4 U- Exercise Of The Day - Superman-Crunch Rolls into Walking Planks Superman Crunch Rolls not something you can buy at a sushi restaurant into walking planks Walk the Plank to six-pack abs
Commonly question about Walk the Plank to six-pack abs
Question :
Six pack abs?!?!?!?!?!?!?1?
Is this just extra skin or fat? Do I need to burn some off this or is it just extra skin and I just have to strengthen my abdominals with sit ups planks, 8 minute abs workout etc... So basically my question is can I turn my stomach into six pack abs with just strengthening excercise? If I can t what do u think of this workout? Is it to much? to less? bad? what should I add in it? What should I take away in it? Good six pack abs workout? 4-8 o clock 4:00 stationary bike for 10 minutes 4:10 8 minute abs routine on youtube 4:20 haha 4:20. 4:20 kinda feels relaxing if u get me so break time 4:30 10 minutes on stationary bike 4:40 weight lifting 5 pound weights. 200 curls each arm 4:50 8 minute abs workout video again 5:00 10 minute walk around street 5:10 break 5:20 10 minutes on stationary bike 5:30 1 minute of plank with 5 reps 5:40 supper 5:50 supper 6:00 supper 6:10 off to gym 6:20 arrive at gym 6:30 play badminton 6:40 badminton 6:50 badminton 7:00 badminton 7:10 eleptical trainer 7:20 eleptical trainer 7:30 eleptical trainer 7:40 50 reps of 30 pound chest presses 7:50 walk around track 8:00 treadmill This also consists of 1 glass of water each half hour which gives me 8 glasses of water. I drink no soda or junk food and get a healthy 8 hours of sleep. i am on a low calorie diet and am cut to 1,500 calories a day. I am 13 years of age, 5 foot 1 and 108 pounds wanting six pack bas. I am very athletic and have lots of energy in me. Is this a good wrokout for me? How long does it take to see results. I also do this workout 6 times a week and take Thursday off. i actually have no social life rite now since I m at my grandmas who s 2000 km away from my hometown and everyone heres a fag. I was thinking I could do this for a month and get six pack abs once I come back to see my life so I can have my abs along with have a social life and not just be working out my whole life. And I don t have school rite now since I m so far away from it and homework only takes bout an hour. just copy and paste link into website searcher thing I hope the pictures work but they may not. thanks for your time!
Answer : To answer your questions, no you can not get a 6-pack with just strengthening exercises. While that will tone and build your abs, if you have fat over them, they won t be seen. You need to do at least a good 20-30 minutes of 75-80% max heart rate cardio if you want to get the results you want. Also if this is you regular work out plan, I suggest you get some more balance in it. 5 pound weights?? 200 curls? That is really useless. You should use weights that get you to around 12-15 reps, 3 sets. Doing a billion reps with no weight is not as beneficial as actually challenging your body and building/toning muscle. If you want to build muscle your diet is completely wrong. Go low fat, but you need about 1800-2000 calories a day, focus on healthy fats and proteins to build those muscles. 1 month is not realistic either. It takes a lot to lose fat and a lot of work. Unfortunately I can not see your pics, as they are on myspace and I am at work, but best of luck with everything. Feel free to contact me with anymore questions.
Question :
Is this a good way to get nicely toned six pack abs? And may u please help me with my other questions? thanks!?
Is this just extra skin or fat? just copy and paste link into website searcher thing I hope the pictures work but they may not. thanks for your time! Do I need to burn some off this or is it just extra skin and I just have to strengthen my abdominals with sit ups planks, 8 minute abs workout etc... So basically my question is can I turn my stomach into six pack abs with just strengthening excercise? If I can t what do u think of this workout? Is it to much? to less? bad? what should I add in it? What should I take away in it? Good six pack abs workout? 4-8 o clock 4:00 stationary bike for 10 minutes 4:10 8 minute abs routine on youtube 4:20 haha 4:20. 4:20 kinda feels relaxing if u get me so break time 4:30 10 minutes on stationary bike 4:40 weight lifting 5 pound weights. 200 curls each arm 4:50 8 minute abs workout video again 5:00 10 minute walk around street 5:10 break 5:20 10 minutes on stationary bike 5:30 1 minute of plank with 5 reps 5:40 supper 5:50 supper 6:00 supper 6:10 off to gym 6:20 arrive at gym 6:30 play badminton 6:40 badminton 6:50 badminton 7:00 badminton 7:10 eleptical trainer 7:20 eleptical trainer 7:30 eleptical trainer 7:40 50 reps of 30 pound chest presses 7:50 walk around track 8:00 treadmill This also consists of 1 glass of water each half hour which gives me 8 glasses of water. I drink no soda or junk food and get a healthy 8 hours of sleep. i am on a low calorie diet and am cut to 1,500 calories a day. I am 13 years of age, 5 foot 1 and 108 pounds wanting six pack bas. I am very athletic and have lots of energy in me. Is this a good wrokout for me? How long does it take to see results. I also do this workout 6 times a week and take Thursday off. i actually have no social life rite now since I m at my grandmas who s 2000 km away from my hometown and everyone heres a fag. I was thinking I could do this for a month and get six pack abs once I come back to see my life so I can have my abs along with have a social life and not just be working out my whole life. And I don t have school rite now since I m so far away from it and homework only takes bout an hour.
Answer : Your pictures did not make it thru. Go to AOL Search - type in - Scott H. Young s Weightlifting for Beginners - read information on that website to see if you are doing your routines correctly & maybe pick up some new idea s to try out. Your menu sounds way too rigid & complicated to follow for any length of time. Sounds way too involved. Keep it simple - keep it simple.
Question :
Six pack abs??!?!?!?!?!?!?
Six pack abs??!?!?!?!?!?!? Is this a good workout for a 13 year old weighing 108 pounds, 5 foot 1? 1000 crunches an ab lounger. 5 reps of 1 minute planks. 8 minute abs workout video 3 times. Walk around 236 meter track 5 times with 5 pound weights. Have healthy diet with lots of water. Go on excercise bike for 1 hr, eleptical trainer 15 minutes, 50 sit ups with 10 pound medicine ball. 50, 30 pound chest presses. 200 5 pound weight curls in 1 arm, jump rope 10 minutes. How long would this take to see results in the abdominal area and arm area?
Answer : drop them, they won t help. Use weights. an excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on a stool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture, for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure that it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you will damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of your body back, until it s parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week add to the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week, guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six pack and muscles. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than these crunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results AT ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.
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