As you age, your metabolism slows. Here are some tips to help you kick-start it!
Secrets to Staying Slim Past 40 Diet Articles
By Brierley Wright
If you've celebrated your 40th birthday, you probably suspect that your metabolism isn't quite what it used to be.
The bad news is you're right: Calorie burn does decrease with age. But there's also good news: you're probably burning more than you think.
New research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals just how many calories, on average, men and women in their 40s, 50s and 60s burn each day. Drum roll please!
According to the study, men aged 40-69 expend about 2,900 calories. Women of the same age burn 2,300 calories daily. (These averages vary based on a person's height, weight and activity.)
These numbers may sound surprisingly high if you compare them to a Nutrition Facts label, which implies the average person needs about 2,000 calories daily. They may seem downright decadent to one who has followed dieting plans where daily calorie caps are set at 1,200 or 1,500 calories. But they're good approximations for how much energy people of this age group are expending.
Janet Tooze, Ph.D., lead researcher and assistant professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and her colleagues used doubly labeled water, a tool that measures carbon dioxide production (an actual marker of calories burned), to determine the energy expenditure of the 450 middle-age men and women in the study.
The reason people of all ages may assume they're burning less than they really are may be that they think they're eating fewer calories than they are actually consuming. When it comes to estimating calories, says Tooze, "generally people underreport their calorie intake by about one-third."
As for that age-related decrease in metabolism, it's probably most marked in one's 60s and beyond. "We found-and so have other studies-that there is a decrease in muscle in your 60s, particularly in women," says Tooze. Since muscle is a calorie-burning powerhouse, muscle loss equals fewer calories burned.
In this study, daily caloric burn of women and men in their early 50s was 4 and 8 percent higher, respectively, than that of people in their late 60s. (Men in their60 s still burned about 2,700 calories; women, 2,200.)
Bottom line: While the aging metabolism situation isn't as bleak as you might assume, you do need to be more vigilant to maintain your weight as you age.
"You will lose muscle as you grow older, but with strengthening exercises you can preserve a lot of it," says EatingWell advisor Miriam Nelson, Ph.D., director of Tufts University's John Hancock Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition. Assess how accurate you are in estimating the calories you consume by gauging changes in your weight.
"If you're weight-stable, go with what you're doing," says Nelson.
Note: Keeping track of calories is key to managing your weight. Even healthy foods can add up quickly. A modest-looking lunch might contain 900 calories:
Cranberry juice: 230 calories
Banana: 120 calories
Tuna sandwich: 550 calories
Celebrity diets: celebrity diet secrets for staying slim - wewomen
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Blake Lively reveals her secret to staying slim is 'Being 25 years old ...
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The latest news on omega-3 fatty acids is that moms-to-be who consume a certain amount of omega-3's are having smarter babies. In the study, a group of
The latest news on omega-3 fatty acids is that moms-to-be who consume a certain amount of omega-3's are having smarter babies. In the study, a group of mothers-to-be were given DHA-fortified bars during pregnancy while another group of mothers-to-be were not given any additional DHA. At 9 months old, the infants of both groups were tested on their problem-solving abilities and the results found that the infants of the mothers who were given extra DHA performed better than the infants of the mothers who did not receive any supplementation.
The real question is, If your baby is sharper at 9 months due to the added DHA does that mean they will be smarter at age 6, 11, 18 and so on? If so, we should have this stuff in prenatal vitamins. On second thought, make it a multivitamin so that everyone can benefit.
Bring on the Omega-3's!
Michelle, DTR Nutrition Specialist
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.
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Commonly question about Fitness Attention moms-to-be! If you want your baby to be smarter, add omega-3's
Question :
I have to leave my fiance but love him, advice?
We ve been together four years, both late 20 s, have dogs and cats, live together (obviously), and are very much in love, but he wants kids SO badly, and I cant bring myself to want any. And trust, I ve been trying for years to wrap my head around it and want them, truly, but I just cant!
My reasons are as follows.. 1 - I have an 11 year old daughter who doesnt live with me. I had her very young. My upbringing was very unstable and I was abused, thus as a teen, I was very troubled. Her Father was older and more mature, so she went to live with him. I did fix myself soon after, now I work, am in college, Im into fitness, meditation, art, very close to family and friends, barely drink, dont do drugs, am stable. Anyone who sees me now wouldnt believe Ive went through what I have. I considered going to court to get her back, but she already had siblings and a family. I could not take her from that. She has always grown up with me, I have her on weekends and we are very close. Point is, I owe her every bit of my attention, love, money, everything. She grew up not living with her Mom, so she deserves her Moms FULL attention. Another child cannot take from that. 2. Most of my life was filled with misery, I m still trying to rid of PTSD symptoms, have Complex post traumatic stress... happiness is new to me in the past decade.. so I want to explore myself. May seem selfish but imagine no happy experiences until your 20s.. I need to get to know me, so having a baby, another person to care for, just doesnt seem right.
Its not that i dont think id be a good mom, I know Im a great Mom, but for those two reasons I just cant do it. And please dont say try looking at it this way, or that way, or its okay to have another child, or maybe your hubby will be okay with it - he wont. hes made that clear. all he talks about is having a baby, little hints, and he knows how i feel, but hes holding onto hope.. and the more time that goes by.. well its just his time wasted.. that he could find a women to have his child..
but the problem is, I LOVE HIM! and he loves me. so my question is.. how do i wrap my head around this? how do i leave him? and be okay with it? its a sacrifice i know, and theres good in that... but its still so hard, and i need to act soon :( I wont be happy having a baby just cuz he wants it, he wont be happy if we dont.. I just dont know how to be strong enough to end this. plus everyone is going to be so mad at me, our friends and family, i know it.. how do i face that...
Answer : First of all, put aside what your friends and family will think. They have nothing to do with the relationship you have with your boyfriend. In this instance, their wants and their needs are trivial. I understand he s made it clear--he wants to be a father, not a father figure. He wants a flesh and blood child of his own, and he wants it with you. You have realized the most important thing of all--you are not physically or emotionally ready to be responsible for the care of another life. You ve realized that you need time to get yourself in a position where you feel like you actually know who you are, and you are working towards a point in your life where you can just take a deep breath, and know you are where you want to be. Sometimes love is not enough, and sometimes it is. Have you looked down the road in ten years and wondered if you would be open to the idea of a child, or even open to idea of wanting a child? I answer so many questions based on my training as a nurse, and a mother, but in this, I answer as a woman. I ve been where you are. I was at a point once, in life, where I could throw away a promising career as a nurse, or, I could choose love. The man in question had some very old fashioned ideals, and education, and a career were not something he wanted in a wife. He wanted barefoot and pregnant. If we as women, don t do something selfish every once in a while, we won t be happy. Its so hard to be a woman because even if this advanced society of ours, we re "supposed" to want children. If we don t, our wiring is wrong. Only you, and you alone know what you want. There is no real way to wrap your head around this. I respect the hell out of you for being able to stand up and say "I won t be happy having a baby just because he wants it...". If your relationship is strong, perhaps there is room for compromise, or at least counseling to see if maybe a higher road is achieved. I do wish you the best of luck, and never, ever apologize to a soul for being a strong, intelligent, level headed woman.
Question :
*****attention**** AnSwEr!!!?
Hey, yeah I am not looking for someone to tell me to talk to my parents or any of that. I am going to say this straight, I want to lose 10 pounds my parents don t know, I need to get ready for this coming Soccer season and a pool party, I am a mature girl and I am not going to let this get out of hand, my mom was anorexic and I will NEVER not eat for a day or make my self throw up. I have learned all the dangers of that since my mom is a professional health and excercise and fitness instructor, don t tell me to go to her cause I won t. If you are 13 then you understand, if you aren t then don t tell me to change my mind. I am 15 pounds over weight, I want to lose all of that in 2-3 months. I need more motivation though. Don t give me motivation I ll take care of that, just tell me how to focus on my stomach, I want it tighter and my inner thighs, they are fleshy. I am going to start running everyday, I am making my portions smaller and all that, I cut out sodas almost 2 years ago.
Answer : It s always going to be a combination of cardio & strength training. Not one of those alone will help any faster. Cardio to burn the calories and fat in general, and strength training to tone and firm specific places. Try going vegetarian (be smart about it, know what you re doing) for a while, or just watch what you eat. I know that you already knew this, but sorry honey, there are no secret rememdies to lose weight.
Question :
How should I deal with my sister s boyfriend?
My younger sister has been dating her current boyfriend for over a year now and does not see that he is not good for her. The only thing he has done for her is get her into shape as he it a fitness buff - working out 5+ days a week, eating tons of protein and only concerns himself with bulking. My sister followed suit and is in the best shape she has ever been in. But that s it, he has nothing else to offer her.
My younger sister still lives at home with my mom, and her boyfirend is always there. He doesn t drive nor does has a job so she has to take care of that. He is constantly making meals at the house, turning on the oven/bbq/stove, as he eats every 4 hours or so. If he isnt eating or working out, he is sitting in front of the TV playing video games. He disrespects everyone in the house and doesnt help out with any of the chores (even though my mom has asked politely since he is always there). Most recently, my mom brought to my sister s attention that maybe he should pitch in some money to pay for using all the stuf fin the house, like $25 a week. My sister wont tell her boyfirend about it and will just pay that $25 for him, otherwise he wont come to the house.
On top of that, he curses all the time, using the F-word in every sentence. My mom and other sister have asked him to tone it down while in the house, but he then just makes fun of them to their face. He is rude and has no manners.
We have tried to talk to my sister, but she wont listen, and just tells us that if you dont bug him he wont be mean. I m stuck and dont know what to do.
Any advise would be greatful!!
Answer : I had a boyfriend just like this, my family ended up telling him how they felt about him. I think you should tell him how you feel about him. That or your mother should ban him from her house. There s no reason for him to be mooching off of her and your sister. He s a low life and he s never going to change. If he treats your family badly, he s probably treating her badly behind closed doors. I hope she realizes what a joke this guy is, before its too late. She needs to get out before its too late. Along with telling him how you feel you should also tell her. let her know you guys are concerned!
Brook PhelpseDiets ContributorWhether you're approaching 30 or nearing 90, every woman wants to find a way to look younger. While there has been no recent
Beauty Tips: Exercise Keep You Looking Younger
Whether you're approaching 30 or nearing 90, every woman wants to find a way to look younger. While there has been no recent discovery of the fountain of youth, there are a few things you can do to maintain a fresh, youthful appearance.
1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. You've heard it before, but using a regular face lotion will make the skin appear younger by helping it to retain moisture, which in turn helps to plump up fine lines and increase circulation.
Even if you have oily skin, use an oil-free moisturizer to keep skin looking young. You may not think you need one in your 20s, 30s or even 40s, but later on in life you will notice the difference. If you're thinking, "I don't use a moisturizer because it's too greasy and heavy," then you just haven't found the right one for your skin type. The right moisturizer should make your skin feel soft and comfortable. Next time you're in the cosmetics department, look or ask for samples. There are a million and one products out there, but there is also one that's just right for you.
2. Keep out of the sun! Ever notice how most celebrities manage to look tan and young at the same time? Their secret is not baking out in the sun for hours at a time - they really don't have time to do that anyway - it's sunless tanning. Regular tanning, whether it be in the sun or in tanning beds, not only causes sun damage and cancer, but also leads to premature aging.
3. Drink water like it's going out of style. This is also a no-brainer, but it's nice to be reminded once in a while. Water helps our bodies perform basic functions, and helps keep us healthy by providing a helpful environment for cells to do their duties. This also leads to younger-looking skin. Your skin cells will be full of water, which, like a moisturizer, helps to plump up fine lines and reduces puffiness around the eyes.
4. Don't leave the house without a little makeup! When we were in our teens and 20s, we could run out of the house without a stitch of makeup and still look fabulous. Unfortunately, we can't stay 18 forever, and our faces need a little help sometimes. You'd be surprised what a little concealer, bronzer and lipstick can do. Crunched for time in the morning? This routine takes less than three minutes. Dab a little concealer under the eyes and on spots like pimples and blemishes. Blend with fingers. Next, apply bronzer with a big, fluffy brush to the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Lastly, swipe a little lipstick on, and you're ready to go. If you have time, use a lipliner first.
5. Too much makeup can make you look older. It's easy to get a little carried away with the concealer, blush, bronzer, lipstick and whatever else we use to get ready in the morning, especially when you feel like you haven't gotten enough sleep. Natural-yet-polished makeup will help you look younger by enhancing your best assets and camouflaging your flaws. Too much makeup will actually draw attention to fine lines and wrinkles.
6. Use an eye cream regularly. The skin around the eyes is the first place to show signs of aging, so it's important to take extra care of this area, even if you don't yet have any lines.
7. Try a luminizing product, but use caution. Many cosmetic lines have come out with foundations, lotions and concealers that give a gentle, highlighting effect. Most of these products contain some kind of luminescent particle, which helps to blur imperfections and fine lines.
8. Make sure your hair looks young. Even if you've had a face-lift, you won't look young if your hair is damaged, out of control or doesn't have a style. If you're starting to go gray, make an appointment with your colorist to touch up or refresh your color. A few face-framing highlights will also help to take a few years off.
9. Don't forget the neck! There's a reason why your grandmother used face cream on her face and neck. Like the skin around your eyes, losing skin's elasticity in the neck area adds years to your appearance. There are a number of neck creams out on the market, so look for one that is hydrating and firming.
10. Keep your pearly whites white. A nice bright smile helps you to look healthier, happier and younger. Your teeth can become stained over time, especially if you drink coffee or colas. Make an appointment with your dentist to see how you can maximize the look of your smile, or use an at-home whitening kit such as Crest Whitestrips.
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Question :
Cosmetic Surgery Help?
Please don t judge just answer the question. If you don t agree with cosmetic surgery please leave. Thank you.
Hello everyone. Recently I have thinking of asking my father if I can get plastic surgery done. I have always wanted to have a perfect body, Victoria s Secret angel body but, I don t have it so I want to resort to cosmetic surgery to achieve my goal. My diet and fitness routine are not working anymore, I have a very strict raw vegan diet (fruits, veggies, raw nuts/seeds/dried fruit) and I do cardio three hours each day with 30 min. toning session each day, different muscles each day and yoga and pilates in the weekend. Everyday I stretch for 10 minutes before all my workouts. If you want my full fitness and diet routine just ask and I will post it in the more info section.
I am going to turn 16 in a couple of days but, I really want a nice body and I have worked for it extremely hard but it is not working and now I am turning to surgery to help me achieve the perfect body (my definition of perfect at least.) My dad is a chief executive, he basically owns the company, so money is not the problem so please do not mention that money is the problem because it is not. Also my friend had surgery when she was like 14/15, two years ago, so I know that a doctor can operate me. If you go on YouTube and search Seven (or Nine) year old girl gets plastic surgery to prevent bullying you see that many other young people can get cosmetic surgery, I have done plenty of research on this and I know now, for a fact, that where I live I can get cosmetic surgery legally with a parent/guardian permission, of course, so please dont say I cant because this is not my question and I know for a fact that I can. Also, if you go on YouTube and search for Teens get cosmetic surgery you can see that it is legal. If you look for statistics you will find that over 30% of teens have cosmetic surgery, I am not the only one. Please dont mention that I cant because this is not my issue, I can legally. I have done a lot of research on the procedures I wanted. The cost, the actual procedure, and the recovery period. I just don t know how to come about it to my dad, how should I tell him that I have made up my mind and want surgery? My dad lets me tan, get piercings, etc. I know that my dad wants to see me be happy with myself and would let me get the surgery, I just dont know how to approach him. How should I tell him that I want cosmetic surgery? I am 5 0 and weigh 108 pounds. I am a size 1 or 2, wear a 32D, TINY little waist, small tummy but not completely flat, I have a bit of fat on my thighs, they are not proportional to my body (too big), and I have a small, flat butt.
These are the procedures I want to get done: Body: Body lift: arm lift, tummy tuck, butt lift, and thigh lift. Liposuction: tummy, arms, and legs. Breasts: breast implants, breast lift. I was thinking on gastric bypass but I don t know.
Skin: chemical peel (little acne), scar/stretch mark treatment
Teeth: Porcelain veneers.
Face: nose job, when I grow older I want more facial surgery but not right now.
I have read that MANY celebrities have surgery, maybe even those models, that is exactly why I want it. BubzBeauty (Youtube her channel, I love her) said that she also wanted to get surgery and she loves people that have surgery. I love her so much, Megan Fox, and Victoria s Secret models are my role models and I know that they would all approve of my decision to have surgery, VS models admitted (some) to having implants, Megan Fox admitted to have plenty of surgery (I love these women, and BubzBeauty said that she loves it and she was going to get it, these people have inspired me to get surgery, but how do I tell my dad?
I was thinking of sitting down with him and write a speech, I just dont know what to say? I have done research on the surgeries I want for about 2 years now. I know that according to the law in my state I can get the surgery with my dads permission. I know the average price for these procedures, the risks that I am taking, the recovery period, and I know how the actual procedures looks like. Like I said, this is something I have strongly thought about and researched about I am committed to this 110%. I need help writing the speech to my father? Or how else should I tell him? Thanks for your help.
Answer : I m sure you don t need all that. Your body is still developing at age 16. I think you should wait until your 25.
Find out how portion control will help you lose weight, as well as what a proper portion looks like!
fitness weight loss tips to control portions
How many ounces of lean protein can you eat for lunch andstill lose weight? Will a few extra bites of that lasagna cause the needle on your scale to rise? Tread carefully because the inability to recognize a proper serving size or "portion" can cancel out all of your hard work and even lead to weight gain.
Portion control is a basic principle of most sound weight-loss plans. And yet, it's one of the hardest skills for many dieters to master. It's no wonder a lot of folks are unable to identify a proper portion - many restaurants these days serve entrees that could easily feed two or three people!
So, how can you tell how much food you should be eating at each sitting? By learning the facts about portion control and practicing, practicing, practicing! Every weight loss plan varies, but generally a single serving consists of:
1 cup (8 ounces) of milk
1 ounce of cheese
cup of vegetables
1 small piece or 1 cup of fresh fruit
1 cup of cooked rice or pasta
3 ounces of lean meat
You're not always going to have your measuring spoons on hand, though. That's why many successful dieters have learned to recognize some common visual cues. For example, an ounce of cheese or meat is equivalent to the size of your thumb from its base to its tip, and a cup of cooked rice is approximately the size of a tennis ball.
You can also find a food's serving size by looking at the nutrition label on its packaging. Of course, this method generally only works if: a.) the food comes prepackaged and b.) you (or someone you know) are the one preparing it.
Once you're able to easily identify proper portions, you will likely face your next big diet challenge: limiting yourself to a single portion. This can be especially tough if your past eating habits consisted of devouring several portions every time you sat down at the table.
Retraining your mind and body to shed those extra pounds takes time and energy - and replacing the not-so-healthy foods with more nutritious ones can be a challenge in itself. By sticking with meals that are already pre-portioned and prepared, you'll be able to ease into weight loss and focus on getting your other diet ducks (e.g., developing a support system, increasing physical activity, etc.) in a row.
fitness weight loss tips to control portions
fitness weight loss tips to control portions
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Commonly question about Fitness Portions Control Weight Loss
Question :
Need advice on my weight loss routine.?
My weight has gotten out of control almost to the point of obesity, I weigh 110 kilos (242 lbs) currently and I m going to attempt to get back into shape. If I run 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night on a treadmill and if I eat healthier food in smaller per-portions will I lose a decent amount of weight? I don t want to go to a gym just yet so I figured a treadmill would do the trick. To all you fitness guru s out there roughly how much weight would I lose monthly if I stuck to this routine and is there anything I can do to contribute even more to my weight loss goal.
Answer : Since you don t give us your height or the amount you intend to loose, it is hard to answer you properly. GENERALLY speaking:
A healthy amount of weight loss is 2 lbs per week.
The basic premise is that if you use more calories than you take in, you loose weight.
1 lbs of fat is considered to consist of 3,500 calories.
The complicated/controversial stuff:
If you reduce your calories too much relative to your usage, your body will go into starvation mode and will metabolize muscles instead of fat. So you will be loosing weight, but will also be getting fatter.
Aerobic exercise will burn calories more efficiently than weight training. Energy burning is more efficient the longer you do it. In the first 30 minutes you will probably be burning only glycogen reserves in the muscles (which will then be replenished by meals or fat/muscle metabolization/catabolization)
Weight training will build/maintain muscle which, in turn, burns more fat (due to elevated metabolic rates).
I would try to extend the aerobic workouts and do 3 days of aerobic with 2 days of strength training and 1 day of rest per week.
Question :
Why am I not seeing weight loss results?
Please read this in its entirety before posting, thanks!
It s only been a month, so maybe I m over-reacting and need to give it more time, but so far I m not feeling it or seeing it. I m a 24 year old male at 6 feet and 270 pounds, most of which is belly fat. I don t smoke or drink alcohol at all, and I used to eat really unhealthy but I have corrected that for the most part. Mon-Fri I have a low-calorie breakfast bar for breakfast, a lower calorie lunch (usually a light salad or mixed steamed veggies or a turkey burger with no bun) and for dinner I m not -as- healthy, but I do control my portion in-take.
I work in an office setting so I am sitting for the better part of my 8 hour day, fortunately we have a small fitness center. For the last month I have used the fitness center during lunch break (roughly 40 minutes of treadmill, about a mile and a half of walking) and after work I balance another 40 minutes of cardio and weight lifting.
Yet this entire month I ve only lost 1 pound, what gives..? My doctor says there s nothing wrong with me, all of my blood levels are fine. Do I just need to push myself harder when I work out or something, because I m feeling very discouraged.. and I refuse to give up "bad" foods entirely, but I only eat those during the weekend, the rest of the time I only eat healthy.
I m taking green tea pills as well, as a supplement, but I won t take anything unnatural. Is it possible my metabolism is just this bad... or am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
Answer : It s only been a month. You are probably over-reacting. It took a life time to get where you are now, it will take time to get to where you want to be. But don t give up! When you feel like giving up, think about how you will feel in a year if you do.
Concentrate on short term goals. Weight loss is long term. Concentrate on how you feel, the intensity of your workouts, how fast you walk, for how long, or how much weight you re lifting. For example, if you walk for an hour a day outside, see if you can shave off two minutes by the end of the week. If you use a treadmill, vary your workout, and try a faster pace or steeper incline for a minute, then two minutes at a time. I am CONSTANTLY varying my workout on a treadmill. I run, walk job and vary the incline. It keeps me from getting board, it keeps me challenging myself, and it varies the heart rate and muscles used so it s good for you.
The other thing you can do, if you aren t doing it yet, is to write down everything you are consuming in a day for about a week. Often people are actually consuming more calories than they think they are. Track the number of calories you burn, too. At the end of the week, you can see what you consumed and what you burned.
There are 3500 calories in one pound of fat. So you need a 500 calorie deficiet to lose one pound a week. split that up into consuming 250 calories less than you need in a day, and burning 250 calories more.
To approximate how many calories you need in a day, divide your weight by 2.2 (270/2.2 = 125) Then multiply by 24 for your "resting metabolism." (125 X 24 = 3000). This is how many calories you need just to stay alive, motionless in bed.
Factor in activity. 20% for a leisurely day at the beach, 30% for most day to day activities, 40% or more for days you work out.
The actual number of calories we burn and need varies depending on BMI, age, and other factors, but it gets you in the ball park. Track these things and you ll be able to get pretty close.
Track. Don t obsess. Don t worry about it. Give it time. Concentrate on short term goals to get to the long term, and keep talking with your doctor.
Good luck
Question :
PCOS: Meal Plan, Portions, HELP!?
I have been recently diagnosed with PCOS, the doctor has not yet placed me on meds, she feels I can solely control this with just diet and fitness. I am having the hardest time finding a dietitian and/or nutritionist who specializes in PCOS in the GTA (ONT) area! I need help putting together a plan to lose weight! Weight loss goal: 70lbs!
Answer : hey... janet here.. hopefully my own personally story can be of some guidance/help to you..
I m 5 8 and at the time I was about 220 lbs.. and was trying real hard to lose weight for almost 8 months... i just had a baby girl at the time.. and during my pregnancy i gained a tonnnn of weight and much of it stuck with me after she was born, and the hubby began getting on my case and bothering me non stop about my new weight problem... so after a few months of that, it really started getting to me, plus summer was about to get here- and i love the beach! So i decided to try and do something about it...
ive since tried almost every diet system out there... the standard eat less-exercise more change lifestyle diet, south beach, atkins, slimfast, weight watchers, etc... I also tried taking many different weight loss supplements.. and overall nothing has really worked well for me.... But i came across this diet program >> .. which a couple of my girlfriends put me onto, and it worked amazing for me like nothing else has.
Right now I m only 180 lbs.. I m still overweight but I ve already lost 40 pounds and I m well on my way to my goal of 160 lbs.. I hope i was of some help.. I wish you all the best of luck!
Part 2: Fighting Back Breast cancer is very treatable, especially when caught in the early stages. Thanks to better detection through mammograms, more women
Beating Cancer With Nutrition Back To Health Naturally Natural ...
Part 2: Fighting Back
Breast cancer is very treatable, especially when caught in the early stages. Thanks to better detection through mammograms, more women are surviving breast cancer than ever before.
The survival rate is roughly 98 percent if the disease is caught early and hasn't spread. Still, hearing the diagnosis often leaves families in shock.
"It didn't register right away that I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer," Karen said. "I just grabbed my husband's hand and thought 'If I can just hang on to him, everything will be ok.'"
Acceptance came hard. It took a few days of crying but "then something just clicks and you just pull yourself up, and go into investigative mode, she said. "Investigative mode" meant deciphering the terminology, figuring out what to ask her doctors, understanding the disease and her treatment options.
She met with her team of doctors and together they decided on a course of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Her prognosis was excellent: If everything went according to plan, she had just a 10 percent chance of the cancer recurring during the next 5 years. Good news, but she still faced seven months of treatment that left her fatigued and emotionally exhausted. Nevertheless, she continued to work toward the future, keeping up with her coursework to achieve a clinical doctorate in Audiology.
But she had little energy for anything else.
There were days, she recalled, she felt she was sleeping her life away. Emotionally, she was never able to put it out of her head, "I have breast cancer" because treatment was always on her mind.
Eight months after her initial diagnosis, Karen's cancer was gone. In February 2008, Karen began her journey back to normal. She was surprised to find herself a little angry, and struggling with "why bother?"
She had worked so hard to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle, specifically to AVOID serious illness and chronic disease, and she wound up sick anyway. But the same determination that saw her through her breast cancer treatments returned.
Life Climb to Beat Breast Cancer - Hour Detroit - March 2009 - Detroit ...
Vaccine may beat breast cancer
Reducing therapy after breast cancer surgery Survive and thrive
... beat breast cancer: Nieces Katie and Brianne Dwyer of Middletown, N.J
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Runners Race for the Cure in Atlanta CNN 5-15-2011 giving rise to Homo floresiensis Al est baptist brenda karen komen cureRun Breast Cancer Survivor Breast Beat walkers THE cure kickbike the race Fitness Beating Breast Cancer: Karen's Story 2
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In many parts of the country chances are you won't be riding your bike much in the winter. Hours of riding trails, or maybe even days at a time if you take
What top 3 tips you can give to our readers regarding nutrition?
In many parts of the country chances are you won't be riding your bike much in the winter. Hours of riding trails, or maybe even days at a time if you take long-distance trips, can seem like distant memories as snow and ice cover the roads. Chances are you still try to stay in shape over the winter, but it can't be nearly as much fun as riding the trails and roads if that's your favorite sport. However, there are some good ways to make the most of the biking offseason. Here are six tips to get you through the long layover between bike trips:
Cross country ski - If you can't beat winter, join it. Rent some cross country skis and give it a try. Take a lesson if possible. It takes some getting used to, but you're not going nearly as fast as downhill skiing so falls shouldn't hurt too much. This is a great way to breathe in fresh air, see beautiful scenery and get aerobic exercise similar to biking. Your legs will get a great workout too.
Go snowshoeing - Less common, but snowshoeing can be a lot of fun too. You'd have to live in an area with a lot of snow.
Focus on strength training in gym - Rebuild your body with weightlifting (focusing on legs), do plenty of ab work and mix in agility drills, too, like plyometrics.
Walk the dogs - Take your dog (or dogs) out for regular walks. Maybe even consider volunteering to walk dogs for the local shelter. This could be a physical and mental boost each time you do it and it's great cross training.
Swim - Hit the muscles a different way by swimming instead of biking. A great cross training method for the winter.
Ride the exercise bike - Most avid cyclists I talk to don't totally give up pedaling during the winter. Buy yourself an exercise bike, or get yours tuned up, and go to town indoors.
... triathletes should do on the bike during the offseason many coaches
Customized and Pre-Built Cycling Training Plans for all Levels
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By Michelle Mahoney, DTRCollege students may have to give up happy hour for a healthy heart.A recent article on sites research from the American
Healthy Happy Hour!
By Michelle Mahoney, DTR
College students may have to give up happy hour for a healthy heart.
A recent article on sites research from the American Heart Association (AHA) that drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in your college years can double levels of C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is an inflammation that can lead to a increased risk of cardiovascular problems.
The research surveyed 25 college students and assessed their CRP risk factors, which included smoking, medication and alcohol use. It then compared the moderate drinkers with the heavy drinkers. The research found that the heavy drinkers' levels of CPR were more than double, making them "in the zone associated with a moderate risk of heart disease."
Heart-Healthy Happy Hour : The Voice-Tribune
... heart running depicting exercise and fitness for a healthy heart
Live your life. Laugh whenever possible. Love yourself.
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Question :
Did you know that cardio is great for many things, however not good at all for weight loss?
I will start off by listing the things that make cardio very beneficial......
1. heart fitness (obviously) 2. better endurance and lung power 3. healthier skin 4. better digestion and elimination 5. much better sleep 6. antidepressive and anti-anxiety producer 7. probably more that i forgot to mention
BUT......cardio does not promote weight loss. nor does it change your physique.
Take a look in the gym the next time you go. Look at the people on the cardio machines. Obese folks who are not losing a pound of weight. Not one bloody pound of weight do they ever lose. They look miserable. Then go look at the people lifting the weights. They look happy and their bodies are for the most part, built very nicely.
Think about it. You do an hour of cardio, you get super hungry, and you eat 3 times the amount you would normally. You burned 600 calories and just consumed 1400 calories.
Answer : It actually is good for weight loss - the problem, as you pointed out, is that most people don t eat healthy enough/small enough portions to reap the benefits.
Also, cardio should be combined with weight training, or other muscle building activities to optimize the results.
Doing cardio alone (although beneficial) is not going to make you super skinny and have a six pack. Combining cardio with a weight training program, and good diet is what will give you more results. Likewise, lifting alone won t give you a great body - it will help, and it will make you stronger, but you ll have difficulty losing weight. Similarly, diet alone won t get you into great shape. Starve yourself all you want, but if you re not running and lifting along with it, you ll just be a "skinny fat guy" rather than a "fat guy." (and of course, once you start eating, youll gain the weight back).
Like so many things, balance is the key to a good weight loss program.
Personally, I run for about 20 minutes (2.5 - 3 miles) either before or after lifting and keep on a strict diet 4 days a week, and loosely control it the other 3 (eat what I want, but watch my portions). It gets the job done for me.
Although cardio isn t the one and done workout method, it definitely does help sculpt your body and promote weight loss. Your legs will get stronger, and as long as you keep a healthy diet, you will lose weight. However, the problem is that doing more than 15 - 25 minutes of cardio is pointless - you are just burning excess energy at that point. That is what causes people to fall into the overfatigued/overeating traps.
Question :
My family, the pain :#(?
Everyone in my family dislikes me.. my brothers, sister and parents.. im the eldest at 19... its been going on for many years now! im currently at university having finished my first year at a local university (around an hour away).. i lived their for my first year and pretty much enjoyed.. it being so close i decided to go away and enjoy university life, but mainly to get away from my 18 years of hell at home!
the problem is my mum never appreciates anything i do.. shes very mean, deluded, and some things she says are very hurtful and disgusting!! like she always tells me that i do nothing to support or help clean the house, do the groceries etc... actually i do, and its like whenever i do it theres no signs of appreciation.. its just orders from her like put the groceries into the cupboards etc.. and the times i dont clean like she calls me useless and that she doesnt like me! i once had a strong verbal altercation with one of my brothers (17) for having our differences in opinion.. she called the police on me saying she can t handle me and that i was bullyingg them.. when the police put me to my place for doing ( F.. ALL) 5 mins later she calls her bestfriend telling hwo she called the cops on me.. it made me feel belittled and embarassed specially over a silly situation! she always says hurtful things like i wish you have a heart-attack on the spot because i hate you, or i hope on your way to college/uni you get ran over by a bus! its absolutely horrible, since i m always apologising for things i have no clue or idea of happening! my friends tell me that i always apologise for litterally every little MINOR thing i do wrong. they say its pointless, but MY MUM MADE ME INTO THIS ALWAYS APOLOGETIC PERSON, since i always apologise for no reason to make her happy! i always pour my heart to my mum about how i feel but she s in denial about how i feel! and is always biased! she told me that our relationship is at 0% meaning (and also stating) that it ll never get fixed whatever i do! she tells her friends how i am (mostly wrong) and it makes me feel bad because they ll spread it! my mum blamed me for my nan dying ( that was evil since me and nana was so close and she used to tell me everything about life and used to defend me from her and my dad) she also said i caused my dad to get high blood pressure, and now if he dies ill feel the guilt (although it wasnt my fault)! she puts so much weight and horrible pressure on me! very horrible, yet i want it to work but it never will as she said! im 19 year old guy and i hate to say it but my family is the only thing that can make me cry and feel this horrible!! im a strong person.. its like this : my family means everything to me, and i tell everyone how nice my familyy is and how i love them above evrything, id give my life for them! (i mean it) and i smile proudly about it, then i get home and then realise the actual situation of my family (it being horrible and disastrous so i just get emotional having been through it 19).. mamma says ive started annoying her from birth (from when i wouldnt shut up from crying when young to now)!!! like common???!??!
my dad just shows making a big deal out of everything little thing such as dropping the remote controller, or for going for a jog whilst i ve not eat much (im on a healthy diet to gain fitness).. he neither appreciates me and in a recent arguement asked me not to speak to him again, or that he won t ever give me a lift in his car because for basically being later to his car when we where heading for the groceries and defending myself from my brothers mouthing off to me so i retaliate (verbally)... he plays the big, having hardly been there in my life as he lived abroad for some years!
i loved livng away, got the break last year at uni, but im not financially secure and in debts so can t move out this year! else i obviously would have! what can i do! its absolutely horriblle being 19! i can t even bring friends (lads and girls)!! i try speak to them but its pushed into my face!! im like we re adults and love you and it upsets me but they re just like whatever stop being so emotional and **** off....!!! i can t bear it anymore! its like speaking to a couple of rocks! when things happen in my life, and feel really upset, i lock myself in my room and stay there for days! and the tension builds especially from their daily demands and their one sided ways of looking at rules and things in general! they re supposed to be the ones i get advice from but i never have told them anything even as much i im itching to! if i cant trust my own parents and not being comfortable around them who can i be compfortable around? like my mum said if the relationship can t EVER be fixed (she won t ever appreciate what i do)!
im a young and broken 19 year old teenager! soon to enter manhood with a deluded, biased, hateful, ungrateful, singling out family :
Answer : Ok dude I am not reading all of that if u want us to help u, u better summarize it.
Question :
Help PE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Christopher felt very stressed about his upcoming airplane trip overseas. Every time he imagined getting onto the plane, he began to feel nauseous and experienced an accelerated heartbeat. Which technique can help Christopher alleviate his stress during the flight?
Breathe deeply while using relaxation therapy.
Write down two goals for the trip.
Get plenty of REM sleep the night before.
Replenish his neurotransmitters.
Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Scheduled fitness activities will help enhance your
mental health.
nutritional diet.
overall grades.
study habits.
Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements is true regarding government regulation of advertising?
Advertisements must use only realistic images.
Advertisements may not create feelings of inadequacy.
Advertisements must be truthful.
Advertisements must not include negative information about other products.
Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is not an example of consumer recourse?
Returning your purchase and explaining the solution you would like to see implemented.
Telling all your friends about your dissatisfaction with the product.
Contacting the Better Business Bureau about your dissatisfaction.
Writing a letter to the company explaining your dissatisfaction.
Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Erica stands on one foot as she talks on the phone with her friends. This habit benefits her
body composition.
Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Trevor got into an argument with his girlfriend. She claims that Trevor is happy one minute and then completely sad the next. She complains that he used to look so cute, always matching his clothes and now he wears the same orange shirt and purple pants. From what you have learned, what may explain Trevor s behavior?
Bulimia Nervosa
Clinical Depression
Stress Overload
Negative Self-talk
Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Peter gets up early each day to exercise and begin his regimented diet full of protein, good carbohydrates, and essential fats. Even though Peter works 15-hour days, he tries to make time for friends on the weekend. What are some of Peter s behaviors that support a healthy psychological state?
flexibility and resiliency
resiliency and proper diet
physical activity and balance
proper diet and physical activity
Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements about lifestyle and leisure activities is true?
Leisure activities are not considered cardiovascular activities, but lifestyle activities are.
Lifestyle activities do not raise your heart rate enough to provide cardiovascular benefits, but leisure activities do.
Neither lifestyle nor leisure activities are strenuous enough to provide cardiovascular benefits.
Participation in both lifestyle and leisure activities can provide cardiovascular benefits.
Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Your six-year-old little sister loves to watch television. Lately she is gaining an unhealthy amount of weight and acts shy around other kids her age. What is the best way for you to encourage her to have healthier habits?
Teach her how to do abdominal crunches during commercials.
Tell her she needs to stop being so lazy.
Go with her to youth soccer practices in your neighborhood.
Tell her to stop eating so much junk food.
Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
Monica monitors her heart rate during workouts to insure it is within the proper range. If she is below her target heart range, she increases her speed. The cardiovascular training principle Monica is applying is
When you are trying to balance your blood sugar, it is important to eat plenty of healing foods for diabetes.
Power foods for diabetic patients
When you are trying to balance your blood sugar, it is important to eat plenty of healing foods for diabetes. In fact, you'll be amazed at how many of them you can find in the aisles of your local grocery store. The following diabetes-beating power foods were among those featured in the book Healing Gourmet Eat to Beat Diabetes.
1. Apples: As it turns out, an apple a day might be just the thing you need to keep the doctor away. When it comes to beating diabetes, there is nothing forbidden about this particular fruit. Because they are grown in temperate zones around the world, apples come in thousands of different varieties. But regardless of which type you choose, you'll get the maximum health benefits by including the peel in your healthy snack. Apple peels contain quercetin, a flavonoid that has been found to reduce diabetes due to its antioxidant effect.
2. Asparagus: Though it is a member of the lily family, the edible part of the asparagus plant is actually a sprout or shoot that appears underground. Asparagus makes the list of foods for diabetes because it is an excellent source of glutathione, an antioxidant compound that can help keep your blood sugar stable.
3. Beans: Not only are they good for the heart, but these members of the legume family also contain many different phytonutrients that can help you manage your battle against diabetes. Though dried beans are the healthiest choice, you must soak them in water for several hours before cooking.
4. Broccoli: President George Herbert Walker Bush may have banned this cruciferous vegetable from the White House menu, but broccoli is also an excellent source of quercetin. These days, most broccoli is green, but purple, red, cream and brown varieties were also popular at one time.
5. Carrots: As it turns out, Bugs Bunny is smarter than you might think. His favorite snack is full of carotenoids, antioxidant compounds that can help protect the heart and balance your insulin levels.
6. Fish: Even if you're not hooked on the taste of fish, perhaps the health benefits will help reel you in. Not only can these sea creatures help protect your heart, but the omega-3 fatty acids can also help balance your blood sugar.
7. Nuts: Even though they have been cultivated for more than 12,000 years, nuts are still one of nature's richest foods for diabetes. Because they are packed with minerals and healthy fats, incorporating healthy portions of nuts into your meal plan can help protect your heart and balance your blood sugar.
8. Oranges: Orange you glad that the world's most popular citrus fruit has a low rating on the Glycemic Index? Oranges are also a source of many other phytonutrients that can help you fight diabetes, including flavonoids, carotenoids, terpines, pectins and glutathione.
9. Soybeans: Oh say, can you soy? Not only are these members of the legume family a complete source of protein, but soybeans also provide phytoestrogens, isoflavones and saponins that can help balance your blood sugar.
10. Tea: Tea time may be the healthiest time of the day. Whether you have two for tea or you drink this healthy substance by yourself, tea has phytonutrients such as catechins and tannins that can help balance your blood sugar.
diet and exercise for diabetes Diet and exercise to ease diabetes
Top 20 Power Foods for Diabetes
Diabetes and exercise (Pictures, Images, Photos, & Diagrams)
to lifestyle factors especially diet and exercise type 2 diabetes ...
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Transform your Life with Dave 4 His Power Message to You
Transform your Life with Dave 4 His Power Message to You for more go to divinefoodsliving-com Discover what Dave has to share he embarked on a LIFE TRANSFORMING Journey and you can too Healing and Fitness 10 Power Foods for Diabetes
Commonly question about Fitness 10 Power Foods for Diabetes
Question :
Help with this heatlh quiz please!!!?
1.The more one knows about the stages of child development the LESS likely one will be able to guide children in developing self control? true or false. 2.When noting good behavior, be sure to? 1)give praise infrequently that way it will be special. 2)use negative consequences. 3)Use the phrase "Way to go!" often. 4)make the praise specific and frequent. 3.Punishment focuses on the child rather than on the child s actions. true or false?
4.Which is not an example of a person with high self-esteem?
1)Being pessimistic. 2)Staying active. 3)Setting realistic goals. 4)Acting responsibly towards yourself and others. 5.Rules and consequences should be communicated clearly to a child ahead of time. true or false?
6.A candy bar is an example of food that provides calories but few essential nutrients. true or false?
7.__________ is/are the amount of energy released when nutrients are burned by the body.
9.If there is a tornado, go to the inner most room of your house and take cover. true or false?
10.Cardio respiratory and resistance training are both elements of a fitness program true or false
11.Drinking while driving?
1)increases the ability to judge distances. 2)speeds reflexes. 3)increases risk taking. 4)increases concentration.
12. Children born to teenage mothers are less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, and cognitive and social stimulation. As a result, they may have problems achieving in school.
true or false
13.Girls born to teen mothers learn from their moms and are LESS likely to end up as teen parents themselves.
true or false?
14.There is some connection between teen mothers repeating a pregnancy within three years of the first birth.
true or false
15.HIV is found in blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk.
true or fasle?
16.Boys, because they use more violent methods, commit suicide more often than girls. Although girls attempt suicide more frequently than boys.
true or false?
17.One of the easiest resistance strategies to use is to? 1)make excuses 2)explain your position 3)simply say no
18.When the listener understands what the speaker means and repeats it to make sure the content of the message is clearly understood, the listener is demonstrating? 1)passive listening 2)perception 3)active listening
19.The goals of vertical communication are: 1)power, prestige, and position 2)sharing opinions 3)seeking to understand
20.Smoking during pregnancy is associated with: 1)difficult delivery 2)low birth weight babies 3)rapid birth 4)heart disease
21:One of the easiest resistance strategies to use is to: 1)make excuses 2)simply say no 3)explain your position
22.Josie and Billy have dated so long they often are able to finish each other s sentences. Although they think it is cute, it can be the beginning of which communication roadblock?
1)mindreading 2)mixed messages 3)different outlooks 4)tuning out
23.An important communication skill to master when speaking is: 1)using correct English rather than slang or casual English 2)reading newspapers and magazines 3)thinking about something else.
24.This roadblock is present when a person assumes they know what the other person is going to say and they are too impatient to wait and listen.
1)tuning out 2)silence 3)mindreading 4)avoid the subject
25.Which is a guideline for dealing with conflict? 1)remain on the topic at hand 2)bring up similar issues from the past 3)because you are right, demand your solution is the only way to solve the problem 4)always discuss the issue in a group setting
27.Which one of the following is NOT considered a consumer right? 1)The right to be informed. 2)The right to safety. 3)The right to be heard. 4)The right to buy unlimited goods.
Answer : Isn t this your entire quiz? They are all easy questions.
Stuck inside during the cold winter months? It's not as bad as you think for people who have a treadmill to exercise on. Here are 10 reasons to really
Chandra Jones Fitness Training: September 2010
Stuck inside during the cold winter months? It's not as bad as you think for people who have a treadmill to exercise on. Here are 10 reasons to really appreciate your treadmill - and avoid developing a case of cabin fever.
1. Let it snow, let is snow, let it snow - It's OK because people who have a treadmill can get great workouts in in the comfort of their own home year-round. 2. Control your climate - It may be 10 degrees, snowing, icy and extremely windy outside, but that hardly matters to you inside on your treadmill. Control the climate with a turn of the thermostat. 3. Wear what you want - There's no more worrying about layering to beat the cold and lots of laundry after running outdoors in the winter. Where what you want to on the comfort of your own treadmill. 4. Run when you want to - With a treadmill, it's go time anytime you want. There's no more trying to rush to get your run completed before daylight is gone. 5. Give the babysitter the afternoon off - If you have a treadmill in your house, pop the kids down with some games and books while you get your workout in. You don't have to find someone to watch the kids, or worse yet try to push a 40-pound stroller. 6. Be sure of your pace - With the treadmill, you can program it for exactly the workout you want. Then your feet have no choice but to keep pace with the belt. 7. Hills when you want them - If you want hills, the treadmill can give them to you. As early and often as you like. Set the incline however you want it. 8. Eliminate the shock - One of the best features in my book about a treadmill is that if you get the right cushioning, it can take away a lot of the pounding on your body that outside running delivers. 9. A reliable surface - You know exactly what to expect each time you pick them up and put them down on a treadmill, unlike the uneven surface you might encounter running on the local side street. (Oh no, was that my ankle that just twisted into a pot hole?!) 10. You watched an hour of King of Queens re-runs- and that's OK (Or, for ladies, you watched the same Sex and the City episode for the fifth time - and that's OK) - If you watched your favorite show while getting a great treadmill workout, that's not wasted time at all. Way to go!
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Commonly question about Ten reasons to really appreciate your treadmill this winter
Question :
Is my workout a waste of time? have questions need advice?
So I ll start with saying I m 21 yrs old 5 4 about 147 lbs and I m quite pear shaped. Big butt and hips but smaller on top. My main reason for working out is my stomach pooch that I want to get rid of. I think it might be genetic because no female in my family has a flat stomach even if they are skinny, I don t know if that has to do with anything but I heard, that doing cardio can help because you can t target certain spots and only loose weight you have to burn fat all over? is that right?. So I have a gym in my apartment and they recently put in new machines so yesterday I worked out on this elliptical, it isn t all that hard but it gets me moving and I worked out for 10 min straight and started to sweat. Then I got off and worked out another elliptical and set the resistance to 3.5 and worked for ten minutes. I could really feel that workout in my lower body and I was sweating like a pig and my heart was beating out of my chest practically. After I got done I got on the treadmill and worked out for 10 min walking fast, I set the incline to 3.5 and my speed was 2.7 and I walked for ten minutes and it said my pulse was 157. Then I was done. So my main question is, it okay to break up my workout like that? doing ten minutes on three different machines? or should I just pick one and do 30 min.
Should I also do more than 30 min? I don t really want to loose my body, I like being curvy and don t want to become a stick?
Also when working out on the elliptical should I hold on to the handle bars? or the handle bars that also workout my arms? because I heard you shouldn t but I can t do it without holding on to anything.
If there is any info you can give me it s much appreciated and any advice on how to properly use those machines would help lol.
Answer : Do your workouts the way that seems most comfortable to you. I personally think that it is better to break your workout up, as you are not overdoing it and ending up injuring something. Breaking it up is much better than ending up sitting around for a week because you decided to try to run 2 hours straight on the treadmill and you tore something getting off.