Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fitness Don't be Hating on the Scale

This is the time of year of a number of firsts. First month of the year, first days back to work and school, and for many it's the first step towards better health and fitness. This should come as no ...

Don't be jealous haters  Funny photos, images, gifs and videos that ...
Don't be jealous haters Funny photos, images, gifs and videos that ...

This is the time of year of a number of firsts. First month of the year, first days back to work and school, and for many it's the first step towards better health and fitness. This should come as no surprise as every gym is packed these days with people aspiring towards a leaner physique, a flatter tummy, six pack abs or whatever the goal is.

And as many put in the efforts towards better health there is one measure that ultimately reinforces and motivates or demoralizes and derails the progress. This measure is the scale. People can be fitting into their jeans more easily, waking up without knee pain, sleeping better through the night and getting their blood sugar under control all by simply adding in some resistance based workouts. However one step on the scale where the needle didn't drop from the last visit and we're ready to give up. But should we?

The first phase of a new program will elicit some neurological adaptations. This is a fancy way of saying that our body gets better at sending and receiving the message from our nervous system while working out. And as a result of this and later physiological adaptations we are going to stimulate lean body mass. Translation = we will add muscle to our frames.

Now over time we do want and expect to see a 'net' weight loss. I put net in quotation marks because there is both a gain and a loss of body mass during the initial phase. Suppose we gain 5 lbs of muscle mass and lose 10 lbs of fat in the first 6 weeks. This would be represented as a net loss of 5 lbs.

Unfortunately, some people will have been putting in honest efforts in both their workouts and their nutrition during these 6 weeks and feel ripped off at having only lost 5 lbs. But here's the catch.

In the first phase of the training you may perform a squat or a deadlift and stimulate your body to produce lean body mass. And perhaps on day one we used a bar weighing 45 lbs and at week 6 you are using 150 lbs for the same lift. Over a 300% increase! Do you think this rate of muscle and strength increase will continue like this every 6 weeks? Or do you think it's possible that after a period of time your strength levels off? Most likely it's the second scenario.

So over time you will gradually taper off on your strength gains but will continue to burn calories during your workouts. Soon the energy balance begins to swing in your favour and you realize pounds coming off more quickly. For example in weeks 7-12 you may gain 2 lbs of muscle but lose 8 pounds of fat for net weight loss of 6 pounds.

The take home message here involves a number of points:
* be patient with your weight loss
* track your results with a number of measures such as tape measures, waist to hip ratio, strength levels, joint function, insulin sensitivity, how your best pair of jeans fit, body fat, pictures, blood work

The more measures you have the more easily you can determine if your efforts were successful. If all the measures listed are going in the right direction and you lost one lbs don't give up. You are on the right track.

In a subsequent article I'll explain how you adjust your nutrient intake as you begin to make progress.

All the best.

Chris 'always moving forward'
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This should answer the pairing and Hating on both characthers. If this ...
This should answer the pairing and Hating on both characthers. If this ...
You know you want one! Don't be a hater.
You know you want one! Don't be a hater.

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Commonly question about Fitness Don't be Hating on the Scale

Question :

I wrote a code of life, opinions?

I ve been lazy in the last couple of years. I m 17, I ve never had a job. I m a social outcast with no friends and I don t fit into society at all. I decided to try and focus my life on self-improvement, whilst also having an enjoyable life. I plan on living the rest of my life by these rules:

8. Enjoy Life - If you like movies, go to the theater every now again. Enjoy holidays and relaxation time. Play sport if it s what you enjoy.
7. Respect yourself No addictive drugs, including cigarettes and alcohol. Eat a very strict and healthy diet. Limit sugar intake. No coffee, tea, energy drinks or anything high in caffeine.
6. Respect others - No violence towards a human being, apart from in self-defence. Dont look down on other people. Dont hate anyone for any reason. Anger slows you down, its a burden.
5. Help others when they are in need Look after yourself first. When you are satisfied with your own happiness, then feel free to help others. Only help people who have had hard luck in life (disabled, blind, deaf people etc), never help the lazy.
4. Respect the power of money Do not waste money on useless pleasures like drugs. Never gamble, money should be earned and not be granted from luck. Money does buy happiness. People who say otherwise are just trying to make themselves feel better. A life without financial worry is a happy life. Earn as much money as possible. Only give to others when you are both safe and enjoying a good life.
3. Improve yourself Work out. Go for runs often to improve fitness. Dont focus on strength and lifting heavy weights. Fitness and flexibility is more important, though strength still is necessary. Keep overall weight low, huge heavy muscles mean reduced flexibility.
2. Dont Judge No racist prejudice. All human beings are born equally important, people who harm other humans physically or emotionally are ranked lower than others; they should be pitied though never helped. Attractiveness should not be regarded at all.
1. Religions shouldnt be believed No hard evidence of a Gods existence is offered by any religious group. All religion is based on guesswork. Religion causes hatred and violence

Would you ever consider living by these rules? If not, why not? Which part bothers you the most?
Thankyou for reading. (:
Answer :
I disagree right there:
"never help the lazy"

I think that lazy people become lazy... to not help them is precisely the last thing you should be doing. A wise man famously said that it is those who are ill who needs to be healed the most and not those who are already healthy; lazy people are ill because they can t help themselves like others do.

To help a lazy person is to find a way to motivate them - that is a gift that will do far more good than any work you will carry out for people who are already motivated.
"Money does buy happiness."

I just answered today a wealthy man who was not to be envied in his fortune, but was nevertheless grieved... he wasn t happy.
"All religion is based on guesswork. Religion causes hatred and violence"

Religion is not the cause of hatred and violence; convictions are the cause of hatred and violence. People do kill for money, do let people suffer in need (you are an example of that yourself)... I never heard of any religion which supported that, but do see the secular convictions which entail those actions. Hatred and violence arise out of delusion, but to deluded oneself is only to think that your answer is necessarily truth... you are, again, an example of that.

And, any answer, my friend, is assumed from a guesswork - but, obviously, you didn t study enough to realize it. You don t believe me? Logic works by justification. But then, if you justify A by B, you are left with B to justify... then, you bring in C which also needs D and E to justify it. You follow this? It s an infinite reduction.

As I told you, any answer is based on guesswork.
The biggest problem in this is that you appeal to a widely accepted view based on pragmatism and materialism... you re letting yourself being abused by the public opinion. Any good, if it exist, is hardly achieved and it is not in seeking material on an egoistical and reassuring basis that you will get it.

You seek the Good? I will tell you two things... think about them and keep them with you:
-The Good of one is the good of all; there is no difference between helping others and helping yourself. They are not separated, they come together.
-The Good lies beyond its own object.
Question :

Don t you hate when people peddle their products in "DIET AND FITNESS"?

Pretending to answer your question when they re really just selfish goons who are trying to sell something?
Answer :
omg TOTALLY! i thumb down those commercials whenever i see them because they are soooo annoying!
Question :

Why is working out and fitness the in thing right now?

I hate exercise I don t like walking and I think it sucks that they are trying to make everyone want to be skinny.
Answer :
It s not in so much as everyone is finally getting with the program. This is what people should have been doing all along, and hopefully it s not just some fad. It s a lifestyle change.

Being skinny isn t what s important, being fit is. Find an exercise you DO like.

Hey, me too, they look even worse!!

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