Part 2: Fighting Back Breast cancer is very treatable, especially when caught in the early stages. Thanks to better detection through mammograms, more women
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Part 2: Fighting Back
Breast cancer is very treatable, especially when caught in the early stages. Thanks to better detection through mammograms, more women are surviving breast cancer than ever before.
The survival rate is roughly 98 percent if the disease is caught early and hasn't spread. Still, hearing the diagnosis often leaves families in shock.
"It didn't register right away that I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer," Karen said. "I just grabbed my husband's hand and thought 'If I can just hang on to him, everything will be ok.'"
Acceptance came hard. It took a few days of crying but "then something just clicks and you just pull yourself up, and go into investigative mode, she said. "Investigative mode" meant deciphering the terminology, figuring out what to ask her doctors, understanding the disease and her treatment options.
She met with her team of doctors and together they decided on a course of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Her prognosis was excellent: If everything went according to plan, she had just a 10 percent chance of the cancer recurring during the next 5 years.
Good news, but she still faced seven months of treatment that left her fatigued and emotionally exhausted. Nevertheless, she continued to work toward the future, keeping up with her coursework to achieve a clinical doctorate in Audiology.
But she had little energy for anything else.
There were days, she recalled, she felt she was sleeping her life away. Emotionally, she was never able to put it out of her head, "I have breast cancer" because treatment was always on her mind.
Eight months after her initial diagnosis, Karen's cancer was gone. In February 2008, Karen began her journey back to normal. She was surprised to find herself a little angry, and struggling with "why bother?"
She had worked so hard to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle, specifically to AVOID serious illness and chronic disease, and she wound up sick anyway. But the same determination that saw her through her breast cancer treatments returned.
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