Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fitness Attention moms-to-be! If you want your baby to be smarter, add omega-3's

The latest news on omega-3 fatty acids is that moms-to-be who consume a certain amount of omega-3's are having smarter babies. In the study, a group of


The latest news on omega-3 fatty acids is that moms-to-be who consume a certain amount of omega-3's are having smarter babies. In the study, a group of mothers-to-be were given DHA-fortified bars during pregnancy while another group of mothers-to-be were not given any additional DHA. At 9 months old, the infants of both groups were tested on their problem-solving abilities and the results found that the infants of the mothers who were given extra DHA performed better than the infants of the mothers who did not receive any supplementation.

The real question is, If your baby is sharper at 9 months due to the added DHA does that mean they will be smarter at age 6, 11, 18 and so on? If so, we should have this stuff in prenatal vitamins. On second thought, make it a multivitamin so that everyone can benefit.

Bring on the Omega-3's!

Michelle, DTR
Nutrition Specialist

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.

Son Wanting Mom's Attention 42-16626378 > Stock Photos  Royalty ...
Son Wanting Mom's Attention 42-16626378 > Stock Photos Royalty ...
Parents with Children Fitness
Parents with Children Fitness

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Commonly question about Fitness Attention moms-to-be! If you want your baby to be smarter, add omega-3's

Question :

I have to leave my fiance but love him, advice?

We ve been together four years, both late 20 s, have dogs and cats, live together (obviously), and are very much in love, but he wants kids SO badly, and I cant bring myself to want any. And trust, I ve been trying for years to wrap my head around it and want them, truly, but I just cant!

My reasons are as follows..
1 - I have an 11 year old daughter who doesnt live with me. I had her very young. My upbringing was very unstable and I was abused, thus as a teen, I was very troubled. Her Father was older and more mature, so she went to live with him. I did fix myself soon after, now I work, am in college, Im into fitness, meditation, art, very close to family and friends, barely drink, dont do drugs, am stable. Anyone who sees me now wouldnt believe Ive went through what I have. I considered going to court to get her back, but she already had siblings and a family. I could not take her from that. She has always grown up with me, I have her on weekends and we are very close. Point is, I owe her every bit of my attention, love, money, everything. She grew up not living with her Mom, so she deserves her Moms FULL attention. Another child cannot take from that.
2. Most of my life was filled with misery, I m still trying to rid of PTSD symptoms, have Complex post traumatic stress... happiness is new to me in the past decade.. so I want to explore myself. May seem selfish but imagine no happy experiences until your 20s.. I need to get to know me, so having a baby, another person to care for, just doesnt seem right.

Its not that i dont think id be a good mom, I know Im a great Mom, but for those two reasons I just cant do it. And please dont say try looking at it this way, or that way, or its okay to have another child, or maybe your hubby will be okay with it - he wont. hes made that clear. all he talks about is having a baby, little hints, and he knows how i feel, but hes holding onto hope.. and the more time that goes by.. well its just his time wasted.. that he could find a women to have his child..

but the problem is, I LOVE HIM! and he loves me. so my question is.. how do i wrap my head around this? how do i leave him? and be okay with it? its a sacrifice i know, and theres good in that... but its still so hard, and i need to act soon :( I wont be happy having a baby just cuz he wants it, he wont be happy if we dont.. I just dont know how to be strong enough to end this. plus everyone is going to be so mad at me, our friends and family, i know it.. how do i face that...
Answer :
First of all, put aside what your friends and family will think. They have nothing to do with the relationship you have with your boyfriend. In this instance, their wants and their needs are trivial. I understand he s made it clear--he wants to be a father, not a father figure. He wants a flesh and blood child of his own, and he wants it with you. You have realized the most important thing of all--you are not physically or emotionally ready to be responsible for the care of another life. You ve realized that you need time to get yourself in a position where you feel like you actually know who you are, and you are working towards a point in your life where you can just take a deep breath, and know you are where you want to be. Sometimes love is not enough, and sometimes it is. Have you looked down the road in ten years and wondered if you would be open to the idea of a child, or even open to idea of wanting a child? I answer so many questions based on my training as a nurse, and a mother, but in this, I answer as a woman. I ve been where you are. I was at a point once, in life, where I could throw away a promising career as a nurse, or, I could choose love. The man in question had some very old fashioned ideals, and education, and a career were not something he wanted in a wife. He wanted barefoot and pregnant. If we as women, don t do something selfish every once in a while, we won t be happy. Its so hard to be a woman because even if this advanced society of ours, we re "supposed" to want children. If we don t, our wiring is wrong. Only you, and you alone know what you want. There is no real way to wrap your head around this. I respect the hell out of you for being able to stand up and say "I won t be happy having a baby just because he wants it...". If your relationship is strong, perhaps there is room for compromise, or at least counseling to see if maybe a higher road is achieved. I do wish you the best of luck, and never, ever apologize to a soul for being a strong, intelligent, level headed woman.
Question :

*****attention**** AnSwEr!!!?

Hey, yeah I am not looking for someone to tell me to talk to my parents or any of that. I am going to say this straight, I want to lose 10 pounds my parents don t know, I need to get ready for this coming Soccer season and a pool party, I am a mature girl and I am not going to let this get out of hand, my mom was anorexic and I will NEVER not eat for a day or make my self throw up. I have learned all the dangers of that since my mom is a professional health and excercise and fitness instructor, don t tell me to go to her cause I won t. If you are 13 then you understand, if you aren t then don t tell me to change my mind. I am 15 pounds over weight, I want to lose all of that in 2-3 months. I need more motivation though. Don t give me motivation I ll take care of that, just tell me how to focus on my stomach, I want it tighter and my inner thighs, they are fleshy. I am going to start running everyday, I am making my portions smaller and all that, I cut out sodas almost 2 years ago.
Answer :
It s always going to be a combination of cardio & strength training. Not one of those alone will help any faster. Cardio to burn the calories and fat in general, and strength training to tone and firm specific places. Try going vegetarian (be smart about it, know what you re doing) for a while, or just watch what you eat. I know that you already knew this, but sorry honey, there are no secret rememdies to lose weight.
Question :

How should I deal with my sister s boyfriend?

My younger sister has been dating her current boyfriend for over a year now and does not see that he is not good for her. The only thing he has done for her is get her into shape as he it a fitness buff - working out 5+ days a week, eating tons of protein and only concerns himself with bulking. My sister followed suit and is in the best shape she has ever been in. But that s it, he has nothing else to offer her.

My younger sister still lives at home with my mom, and her boyfirend is always there. He doesn t drive nor does has a job so she has to take care of that. He is constantly making meals at the house, turning on the oven/bbq/stove, as he eats every 4 hours or so. If he isnt eating or working out, he is sitting in front of the TV playing video games. He disrespects everyone in the house and doesnt help out with any of the chores (even though my mom has asked politely since he is always there). Most recently, my mom brought to my sister s attention that maybe he should pitch in some money to pay for using all the stuf fin the house, like $25 a week. My sister wont tell her boyfirend about it and will just pay that $25 for him, otherwise he wont come to the house.

On top of that, he curses all the time, using the F-word in every sentence. My mom and other sister have asked him to tone it down while in the house, but he then just makes fun of them to their face. He is rude and has no manners.

We have tried to talk to my sister, but she wont listen, and just tells us that if you dont bug him he wont be mean. I m stuck and dont know what to do.

Any advise would be greatful!!
Answer :
I had a boyfriend just like this, my family ended up telling him how they felt about him. I think you should tell him how you feel about him. That or your mother should ban him from her house. There s no reason for him to be mooching off of her and your sister. He s a low life and he s never going to change. If he treats your family badly, he s probably treating her badly behind closed doors. I hope she realizes what a joke this guy is, before its too late. She needs to get out before its too late. Along with telling him how you feel you should also tell her. let her know you guys are concerned!



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