Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fitness The good freshman 15

You know exactly what Im talking about when I mention the freshman fifteen. You see young men and women go off to college to advance their knowledge of certain subjects in hopes of making a ...

fight the freshman 15 in fifteen minutes
fight the freshman 15 in fifteen minutes

You know exactly what Im talking about when I mention the freshman fifteen. You see young men and women go off to college to advance their knowledge of certain subjects in hopes of making a profession out of it. What they are not planning on is the advancement of their waistline. Instead of being afraid of the freshman fifteen that tends to register with most students, you should be using this time to make improvements to your body. Before you give in and start stuffing your face with Meat Lovers pizza, please consider the following.

Make use of the campus facilities.

Youre already paying for the recreation center (gym) on campus with the $20,000 tuition bill that you just paid so make use of it. You cant tell me you dont have one hour, four days a week, to spend at the gym weightlifting (not screwing around with your buddies). Even if youre one of the busiest college students (I run the FitCast, take 16 credits, and am an RA, and I still find the time), you should be able to organize your schedule in a way that you have an hour, four days a week. If you cant, you suck at time management. You need to stop reading this and address that by taking a time management course or buying a PDA.

Now I know that not all weight rooms are created equal. But you have to do your best with what you got. So be inventive. Many of the workouts out there can be modified for limited equipment. As long as you have a bench, a squat rack, dumbbells up to 100 pounds, and plenty of weight to throw on those barbells, you will be able to get a great workout in. Dont be afraid to ask others on or other forums if something else would be a good replacement or even ask the authors themselves.

Figure out what time the gym is not full.

I literally cannot workout in a gym that is full of dumb ass frat boys hogging the squat rack to work on their biceps (or even better the groups of four guys lifting together and jerking off in between sets). To avoid this, find a time when the gym is almost empty. Most likely this is going to be between 6:0011:00 am, 2:004:00 pm, or anytime after 9:00 pm on the weekdays. The weekends are usually wide open, but again, the best time would be before dinner (6:00 pm).

Keep in mind that the hell times are at lunchtime and from dinner on till 9:00 pm. During this time, you will be lucky if you dont find yourself waiting for a piece of equipment. If you cant find a time that works for you when the gym will not be crowded, you might want to consider a body weight workout if you are in the market for fat loss. However, for muscle building, there are no other options.

Find a good workout.

Now for the nutrition part of keeping off the Freshman 15.

Although there are a few down sides to eating food from your colleges dining commons (DC), not everything is deep-fried or covered in some mysterious sauce. Just think to yourself, What can I eat that I know wont be tampered with by the cooking staff? Well if you look hard, you would be surprised at how easy it is to eat clean. Lets go through a normal day where you eat three meals at the DC.

Breakfast: It is 7:30 am, and you have a class in thirty minutes. What are you going to eat that will be appetizing and keep you going through a two-hour class? First off, pound a whey shake or even better a whey/cassin mix like low-carb metabolic drive with two fish oil caps before you leave your room.

Now lets walk over to the DC. There are a bunch of choices. Grab some slices of whole wheat bread and throw some peanut butter on them. Make an omelet with vegetables if it isnt coming to you in a powdered form five minutes before it is handed to you. Make a bowl of oatmeal (throw some whey in there too if you want). Have a bowl of high-fiber cereal or some hard boiled eggs or cottage cheese. Get the idea? Also, dont forget to try some sausage, bacon (although overall tried to limit the fatty meats), fresh fruit, 2 percent and skim milk, and even some yogurt. I have been to six campuses in the last two years and all of them offered at least 80 percent of the options that I just mentioned. There may be other options that would also be suitable. I trust you to use your judgment.

Lunch/Dinner: Im not molding lunch into dinner just to save myself the typing. Honestly, the same options are usually presented at both times of the day. Automatically you must stay out of the pizza and pasta lines! Lets step into the main meal line, which changes for every meal.

This is going to be a meat, fish, or chicken dish with some kind of sauce on it. I dont get why all the meat and poultry served at colleges has to be covered in some sauce or gravy and all the fish has to be fried or at least breaded.

Along with the protein source, most of the time a vegetable will be served with it. Again, watch out for whats on it. In this case, it will be butter. Dont fret. Your new best friend is the salad bar. This is something that colleges are getting very good at. From romaine lettuce to cucumbers to raw broccoli to peppers, the list goes on. All the vegetables here are fair game so go nuts but go light on the dressing.

Dorm room food.

Having clean food in your dorm room in very important because instead of ordering a pizza when you are starving and typing a term paper, you can have a handful of raw almonds, microwave some frozen vegetables, or make some eggs. Along with the food, make sure that you have the necessary equipment to make a decent meal (frying pan or George Foreman grill, if its ok).

Here are five must have foods that should be in your room at all times:

raw almonds

eggs (make some eggs in six minutes; easy protein and some good fats)

frozen vegetables

chicken breasts (cook five or six at once in a pan with some olive oil and then freeze them until needed)

cottage cheese

With these five foods you will be able to put together a healthy and appetizing snack. Of course this list should not contain all the food in your room, there is always room for beef jerky, string cheese, fresh vegetables (raw broccoli), cold cuts, some natural peanut butter, yogurt, high fiber cereal and some whole grain bread. Your choices may vary if your goal is fat-loss, but either way this is a nice list to start with.

The supplements.

I know you are on a college students diet so I will keep it simple and cheap. Only the necessities.

100 percent whey protein

creatine monohydrate

fish oil


Gatorade powder (great to mix with whey for a cheap, great tasting PWO drink)

Now just to wrap this whole thing up

You have the information. Now what you chose to do with it is up to you. If you want to eat right, lift weights, and avoid the freshman fifteen, great. If you want to put on fifteen pounds of muscle after being the scrawny kid in high school, great. If you want to kill a 30-rack every weekend and get fat and weak, thats great as well. Just keep this in mindcollege gives you the opportunity to reinvent yourself, socially, academically, and physically. I hope you make the right decision. And dont forget to have fun. It is college after all.

The Freshman 15  Tempus Performance
The Freshman 15 Tempus Performance
Losing the Freshman Fifteen - College Weight Loss Tips - Seventeen
Losing the Freshman Fifteen - College Weight Loss Tips - Seventeen
Home  Exercise Tips  How to beat the Freshman 15
Home Exercise Tips How to beat the Freshman 15
How to GAIN the Freshman 15  GLOBAL GOOD GROUP
How to GAIN the Freshman 15 GLOBAL GOOD GROUP

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Commonly question about Fitness The good freshman 15

Question :

I just finished my freshman year in college and am looking to lose the freshman 15. Whats a good workout plan?

fitness, athletics, running, weight loss
Answer :
firstly dont diet
if u do u lose weight as ur fat cells shrink to nothing but multiples 2 or 3 times meaning when you stop you put on more weight

im male, 15, 70 kg and 32-33 inch waist

i normally do what i recommend below but not at moment as 2 busy studying

what you should do is scrap junk food
some chocolate
some sweets
all processed food

and look up good carbs and eat those
eg wholemeal bread
proper pasta (brown in bag not white)

fruit and veg are also good

what i normaly do is
rise and shine at 7 eat breakfast
milk and frosties/shreaded wheat/sugar puffs and sometimes some fruit goes well with that
warining do not add more sugar lol
then i get bag ready for school and get ready eg hair
1/2 hour later so 7.30 i go and do a 45 min run
com home throw school uniform on and go 2 school

after i may jog before food never after and never after 6-7 and mentabolism keeps you awake

running and good eating are the best way to loose weight
not diets
diets are bad

why i say run in morning as metabolism starts and keeps working all day

for lunch eat brown bread
or chicken

for supper some chicken or pasta
or steak
eggs are good
and so is veg
Question :

I am 15 year old freshman and I run a 5:34 mile. Should I try out for track?

I never ever run and the only reason why I ran the mile was for a grade in personal fitness class. My coach said if I start training and actually start running I could become very good.
Answer :
yea because 1st off u don t try out for track, you automatically make the team. 2nd a 5:34 is very good for da mile fo some1 who doesn t train for it. trust me because im a state qualifier for the 100 and 200 meters in track


Question :

College workout - Avoid the Freshmen 15?

I m a freshmen in college and I would really like to avoid the freshmen 15. There is a fitness center in the gym, and I can go to it, but i m looking for a good workout plan. There s pretty much everything there. So I think any kind of routine you throw will be possible.
Answer :
I put 20 lbs on my first semester of college :) I was pretty skinny to begin with though....and most of the added weight was muscle.

It s pretty easy to gain weight in college. Three things you can do to help are to stay active in any way possible. Yes, working out at the gym is a good idea...but you ll probably stay in better shape playing an intramural sport or something. You probably won t take this seriously, but I learned how to unicycle. I probably put on 10 pounds of muscle unicycling across campus.

Watch what you eat. There is SO MUCH good food at college. Just be careful what you choose. If there s a salad bar, eat there from time to time.

Lastly, don t drink too much. Alcohol has a crapload of calories.

Good Luck,

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