5. Fish: There's a difference between good and bad fats. Eating good fats like monounsaturated and omega-3s make it easier to stay slim, according to recent
diet-fitness |
5. Fish: There's a difference between good and bad fats. Eating good fats like monounsaturated and omega-3s make it easier to stay slim, according to recent research.
"The healthy fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are found in fish, nuts, olive oil and avocado, while the bad fats, like saturated and trans are found in butter, shortening, pre-packaged cakes and cookies," Ryan says.
A Wake Forest University study found that over a 6-year period, participants whose only source of fat was trans fats gained 30 percent more fat in their abdominal region and had early signs of diabetes. You don't have to fear fats if you know which are good and bad.
Exercise and follow these simple guidelines and you'll be on your way to an abs-olutely amazing midsection!
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Source : http://healthnews.ediets.com/health-topics/flat-ab-foods-fish.html
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Question about diet and fitness
I am 16 years old, 5 6" and 155 pounds. I am going to start exercising more and eating better.Items at my disposal:
30lb dumbbell set
250 yard driveway to run up and down
mini stepping thing
plenty of room for indoor or outdoor exercises
So here is what I want, I want to lose my excess stomach fat and replace it with abs and pecs, build up my arms, and establish a healthier lifestyle. Don t have the time to join a gym. So, here was what I was thinking:
20-30 minutes of running or walking (or a combo of both)
10-15 minutes of some form of ab workout (I read that the bicycle is the most efficient)
10-15 minutes of arm workouts
If you have any suggestions on the workout portion, let me know. I don t really know what I m doing as far as this whole thing goes. When do you think the soonest I would see a flatter stomach/abs showing up? I don t really have a deadline, but as soon as possible without going workout crazy would be nice.
As for the diet, I already drink a descent amount of water, but I could be drinking more. So I plan on replacing all unhealthy drinks with water. What would be good for a food plan? I do not like seafood, so fish is not an option.
Thanks for all of your help!
First, congrats on wanting to get yourself in better shape.
You can do what you want with the dumbbells, but the one exercise I strongly recommend to build up your legs and drop excess fat is sprinting. Specifically, as part of an interval workout.
Almost any exercise, when done intensely enough, will burn fat. But one of the most recommended by professionals is something called interval training.
Its basically short periods of intensity mixed with short periods of rest. What this does is essentially smack your metabolism in the face to wake it up and force it to burn fat. Here s a perfect example that worked for me and that you can do in your long driveway:
1 minute - jog (warm up)
30 seconds - sprint
30 seconds - jog
30 seconds - sprint
30 seconds - jog
30 seconds - sprint
30 seconds - jog
30 seconds - sprint
1 minute - jog (cool down)
This entire workout lasts less than 6 minutes but will absolutely kick your butt. When you sprint, go 100 percent full speed. At the end, you can jog for longer if you d like until your heart rate calms down a little.
Do this everyday for a week and I will bet you anything you ll notice a difference.
Good luck!
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