There's no doubt that breastfeeding infants has its benefits. Few people will disagree with this. However, a topic that does bring about more debate is the
The Guinea Pig: I try, you buy What the Health Magazine |
There's no doubt that breastfeeding infants has its benefits. Few people will disagree with this. However, a topic that does bring about more debate is the amount of time that women choose to breastfeed. How long is too long?
Although most mothers don't nurse their children after their first year, there is a minority of women who do so beyond the year and then some (until kindergarten?).
To each his own, I think...but there are people on both sides of this issue who have more to say...
Eunice, DTR, CPT-ACE
Nutrition Specialist
"There are no shorcuts to any place worth going"
Take Care of Long Hair |
Take Good Care of Yourself |
How to take care of your Dry Hair |
fitness to practice and a commitment to life long learning |
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Related video about Fitness Nursing. How long is too long?
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fitnessnursing home MPG care professional who wants to utilize our skills as a nurse and our specialty in fitness to help improve the health status of patients and Fitness Nursing. How long is too long?
Commonly question about Fitness Nursing. How long is too long?
Is anyone interested in an online fitness coach?
Hi, I m Stephanie and I m an Independent Beachbody Coach. My coaching all started one night when I saw an infomercial for a fitness DVD on TV and I ordered it. I fell in love, and kept with my program- I started to feel so much better from the exercise that I changed my eating habits as well. I lost the 10 lbs that I d been trying to lose for years. Anyways I started coaching to help others succeed with the at home DVDs that I used ( and still use). Email me if you d like to join my team for FREE. Check out for details.Getting in shape is NOT easy and there is no magic pill or fad diet that will do the work for you. Any diet that promises you to lose 10 lbs in 1 week is just depleting you of water weight and actually SLOWING down your metabolism making it that much harder for you to burn calories. Now if youre a yo-yo dieter multiply that every time you start a new diet and youre slowing down your metabolism EACH time. No wonder you cant lose weight?!
The secret to being fit is just good old-fashioned diet and exercise. Its a lifestyle change that only you can make. You have to have the mind set that your body and health is worth it. You will feel so much happier, and healthier once you make this change. Youll be a better wife, mom, sister, husband, friend, etc.
So now that I filled you in on the big secret. I will share some tips that I have learned in my own fitness quest. Small, frequent meals are the most effective way to lose weight, and maintain your blood glucose levels. If youre following a 1200 cal/day diet try to eat 300 for breakfast, 300 for lunch, 300 for dinner, and 2 snacks in between with 150 each. You will find that you are never hungry, and never full. Because we all know that Big Mac tastes good going down it doesnt feel so hot sitting in your belly for the next 6 hours.
You have to count your calories- at least in the beginning until you have a good grasp on the nutrition levels and portion amounts that your body needs. There are lots of websites that can help you log your meals online to see all the nutrition totals. I like This is a FREE site that allows you to plug in your height/weight/exercise level and will tell you how many calories you need to consume to achieve our goals. Its personalized, its free, and it works.
Now exercise will be different for everyone and I say do something you enjoythat way you are more likely to stick with it. A good exercise program will combine cardio and strength training. Cardio will help you burn calories and torch body fat, while strength training will build muscle, which in turn boosts your metabolism and makes you LEAN. Girls do not be afraid of weights; they are your best friends. Im a busy nurse and I work long days so I personally enjoy working out at home to save time and $$. My favorite DVD programs are Chalean extreme, Turbo Jam, P90X, and Slim in Six. Check out for details.
Make sure you make yourself accountable. Tell your friends/family about it so they can support you. Take your body measurements and set reasonable goals to achieve. For some incentive to workout check out and JOIN for FREE to login your workouts in a virtual gym called WOWY. Everyday in WOWY someone will win the daily prize which is either $300, $1000, TVs, DVD players, cameras, and ipods. Its legit and I know people that have wonmyself not included YET.
I hope this helps but if you have any questions shoot me an email. Im a nurse by trade, but fitness junkie by hobby.
How long should it take to see noticeable results from this diet/fitness plan?
A bit of the background first:I gave birth to my son in December, I was already overweight when I fell pregnant and when I went into the hospital I weighed 15st 3lb (213lb) and somehow came out 3 days later weighing EXACTLY the same - i m not sure how that works but hey ho that s how it is.
Admittedly, for the next few months after Jake s birth I had mild post natal depression and really let myself go, I ate what I wanted, didn t bother making an effort with myself when it came to personal hygiene either, it became an effort to even put a brush through my hair or even brush my teeth! now I have managed to shake the depression, I want to get myself sorted so I have got my hair cut, resumed my personal hygiene duties, and went to the nurse at my GP practice to ask for help with my weight loss.
The nurse put me on Orlistat Tablets (prescription version of Alli but stronger) so I now have to follow a low fat diet unless I want to risk having some unsavoury side effects.
So I am sticking to a 1600cal diet with less than 15g fat per meal limit (according the alli guidelines i m allowed 1800cal and 19g fat per meal as i m over 13st 7lb).
As for fitness I have started going to Zumba once a week and going for vibration plate training (like flabeloss) 3 times a week, although I must stress that the vibration plate training is supervised by a qualified instructor who makes me work hard on the plate, I don t just stand on it for 10 mins I have to do actual exercises on there (like step ups, core training) and I come home exhausted and achy! In addistion to this, I also walk 1 mile to the training and 1 mile back again.
How long do you think it should take to see some noticeable results from the above? I go back to work in 6 weeks and I would love to be at least one dress size smaller by the time I go back.
- How long do you think it should take to see some noticeable results from the above
Probably never. Diets to lose fat don t work because the body goes into a kind of starvation mode where it squirrels away every spare calorie as fat and will cannibalize bone and muscle tissue for energy. The main purpose of products like the vibration plate are to promote weight loss by lightening your wallet. Fat reduction takes time. There are no miracle pills or methods regardless of any anecdotes, celebrity endorsements, or late night TV shows you may have seen or heard.
Weight is a very poor metric because bones, muscle, and fat all have different densities (fat being the lightest). The correct metric is the percentage of body fat. You can lose fat, look better, and not lose any weight. See your doctor to determine your current percentage and what your ideal percentage of fat should be.
Eating balanced meals as recommended in the Harvard Eating Pyramid and exercising at your target heart rate is the best way to reduce the percentage of body fat.
Any exercise that is performed at your target heart rate for an extended period will burn fat. Walking, cycling, and rowing are some of the best. Use a pulse meter to ensure that you are exercising at the correct intensity. Too intense and you just burn sugar, not fat.
2012 Presidential Election - what are we doing?
How does America self-destruct? The baby boomers paid uncle sam, brought us all up, fought for our freedoms, took care of us and found cures. They taught us our foundations and guided us through hard times. They deserve a big slice of the pie during retirement and long-term nursing care.................
The education system needs no cuts, as those who seek such education will soon enough be helping our economic solidarity and infrastructure with the careers they will be getting.
This is not about singling out the less fortunate such as food stamp recipients, the needy and lower/middle class. This needs to encapsulate everyone together as a whole. This is about reaching back to help pull up those who still count. This is about unison, about staying together, about chipping in to account for everyone.
We have all wondered how business owners can be so strict, ruthless, selfish, frugal, demanding, adamant, rigid and narrow-focused. Romney-Ryan is not about nurture..... rather they are about vulture. They will fly around the wounded, the weak, the frail, the agile and the needy who are needing help and they will swoop just close enough to peck at our souls and keep us below, like a business owner who refuses to give us a raise after we have been productive for ten years and never called in sick.
Obama and Biden. Well, our economy is a disaster. Gas prices, crime, an angered America, lost love as divorces are soaring and deceptions and hidden agendas at their best. I promise to do this and that when I take office......we are fooled again and again.
We measure the wrong things: good looks, character, fitness, speech, confidence and presentation/leadership skills. For those who may lack any one of these, we distance our votes from them. My brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers.......I have a feeling that the best choice may keep being the ones we let go. I think we keep looking at the surface.....not at the beef. We are not healthy eaters. Obama is 48% lean and Romney is 42% lean. What have we done?
Al Gore was right about Global Warming. But we just keep destroying our planet. We let him go and then he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Wups!
Ross Perot we thought was too eccentric.
But the man was smart. As was Gingrich. We let them both go.
Steve Forbes is a proven icon. We let him go.
Well we have done it again. We measured the wrong venues. Now we have self-destruction in our faces. Only this time we can see it before anybody gets elected. Of all the candidates we let go within the last three terms, which one do you wish you could reconsider for the 2012 election?
Newt Gingrich
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