Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Should you exercise with a cold?

Chances are that wherever you live people around you are hacking and coughing lately. Hopefully no one has it worse, like the Swine Flu that's going

Should You Do Aerobic Exercise If Suffering From A Cold ?
Should You Do Aerobic Exercise If Suffering From A Cold ?

Chances are that wherever you live people around you are hacking and coughing lately. Hopefully no one has it worse, like the Swine Flu that's going around.
I usually don't get a cold or flu, but have had a touch of a cough lately.
What should you do about your workout program if you come down with any or all of the above symptoms?
I went to an expert to get some answers, consulting a local doctor.
Here are things to consider to decide if you're well enough to exercise.
A mild to moderate workout should be all right for people who have a cold, but no fever. In fact, exercise can even help someone feel better by temporarily relieving nasal congestion.
My doctor said a quick rule to remember is to go ahead and exercise if the signs and symptoms are above the neck, like sneezing, sniffling, runny nose, sore throat.
If the ailments extend below the neck, it's best to postpone the workout for problems such as chest congestion, deep cough or upset stomach.
Also, put off your workout if you have a fever, fatigue or widespread muscle aches.
If your below the neck symptoms are there, but minor, you still might choose to work out. If you do exercise when sick, use common sense and listen to your body. If you start feeling worse while exercising, then stop.
When you start feeling better, gradually work back into your regular workout return.
And one final piece of advice from my doctor: Wash your hands frequently. It's the No. 1 way to reduce your risk of catching a cold.

Should you exercise when you're sick?  MNN - Mother Nature Network
Should you exercise when you're sick? MNN - Mother Nature Network
 ... if you are going to exercise in the cold here s what you should know
... if you are going to exercise in the cold here s what you should know
 ... It Fitness - Should You Exercise With A Cold?  Share It Fitness
... It Fitness - Should You Exercise With A Cold? Share It Fitness

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Commonly question about Should you exercise with a cold?

Question :

Should I drink cold or warm water after exercise?

It s been a question to me that I really want to know if what should or what is proper to do after working out. I always drink cold water after exercise.. Should I drink warm water after so my metabolism would be fast?
Answer :
Makes no difference. Whatever works for YOU.
Question :

I have a cold coming on - should i exercise?

I usually go to the gym 4 times a week. Should i be exercising with a cold? I would usually do 30 mins medium cardiac and weights or swim for 30 mins. Any siggestions?
Answer :
Working out can prolong a cold. Doesn t mean you can t do it, just take it easier than normal.

You don t want to spread your cold so maybe try taking a jog outside (as long as its not cold, rainy, etc.) or see if you can swim in a local pond (go to the beach if you are near one!) for your cardio.

As far a weights... lift things around the house, do push ups... be creative! You should go lighter anyway.

Hope this helps! =)
Question :

I feel light I am getting a cold. Should I exercise today?

I have a sore throat and someone told me that I should do aerobic exercise to help it go away faster.
Answer :
i find that "sweating it out" works wonders for me. i ve sweat it out through things that most doctors would recommend rest for (bronchitis!!!) but it seems i get better more quickly by pushing through.

the general safety and health guide line is that if your problem is from the neck up you can workout, if it s below the neck you need to rest (flu like symptoms: achey, queesey... etc, or cold in your chest)

personally i follow that, with the exception of the chest cold, i still push through.

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