Do you want a flat stomach? I don't know a person who doesn't!People spend millions, if not billions of dollars, each year in the quest for a flat stomach. Right now there are about 200 or more ...
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Do you want a flat stomach? I don't know a person who doesn't!
People spend millions, if not billions of dollars, each year in the quest for a flat stomach. Right now there are about 200 or more ab exercise devices out there. There's the ab do-it, the ab rock-it, the ab roller, the ab dolly, and so many more. You would think that with all of these amazing new products that most people would be walking around with that nice, lean mid-section they've always wanted. Unfortunately, that's not the case.
Most, if not all of these products, will do little or nothing to flatten your stomach. And that's because these exercise contraptions cannot eliminate the layer of fat that lies on top of your abs.
In order to be successful at thinning your waistline you must have a basic under standing of how the ab muscles function and how your body burns fat. The first thing that needs to be understood is the difference between fat and muscle. Fat is excess calories and is primarily stored in layers on top of muscle tissue. Muscle is made up of fibers that contract or shorten to produce movement. Fat cannot turn into muscle and muscle cannot turn into fat! However, you can lose muscle and you can gain fat. That's what happens to most people.
So if your goal is to thin your waist line and have a nice flat stomach, the first thing you need to do is decrease / eliminate the layers of fat that are on top of your abs. We all have a flat stomach; it's just some of oar's are covered by excess fat.
The most effective way of flattening your stomach is a combination of strength training (with a extra focus on mid-section), cardiovascular exercise (short, hard workouts), and stable blood sugar (keeps you from adding additional fat and makes it easier for the body to use body fat for fuel).
1. You must do some form of progressive strength training
The primary function of the ab muscle is to flex your torso forward. However, there are also muscles that flex your torso to the side and muscles that rotate your torso. Often times you see people on their ab roller every day doing hundreds of crunches or sit-ups.
If you want to effectively strengthen your stomach you need to incorporate the following types of exercises:
. 1-2 forward flexion exercises (crunch, sit-up, etc.)
. 1-2 side flexion exercises (side bends, side crunches, etc.)
. 1-2 rotational exercises (trunk rotations, standing twists, etc.)
The abs, are muscles just like any other and should be worked at most 3 times per week. You also want to make sure you are training them progressively, working them harder each time.
2. Use short, hard cardio workouts to increase metabolism
Cardio workouts are important because they CAN, if done correctly, increase your metabolism for 4-24 hours or more! This means you are less likely to store any excess calories as body fat because they are more likely to be used by your elevated metabolism. Plus, you are more likely to burn off some excess body fat.
Below is a sample interval workout that can be done with just about any activity (walking, bicycling, swimming, stair climbing, etc.).
Warm up at easy pace 2-5 minutes - Perform 30 seconds of hard work (almost as hard as possible) - Perform 1 minute of moderate work (recovery time-catch breath) - Repeat this process 6-10 times - Cool down at an easy pace for 2-5 minutes
3. Stable blood sugar is the key
And most importantly, you must stabilize your blood sugar! This is by far the most important factor when it comes to burning away that excess body fat and keeping it off! To effectively stabilize your blood sugar you must feed your body frequently; like every 2-3 hours. The key is to give your body only what it needs at that time. Your body burns calories 24 hours a day, so, why would you only feed it once or twice a day? Give your body the fuel it needs: vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, whole grains, and lean proteins (chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs, etc.).
Many people are too hung up on how much fat is in food, or how healthy of a choice it is. Calories are calories and it doesn't matter where they come from. If there's extra. where's it going? Yup, you guessed it. body fat!
This is not to say that what you eat is not important because it is, it just doesn't have that much of an affect when it comes to fat loss. Try to make healthy choices whenever possible, but don't feel like if you eat a cheeseburger it is guaranteed to be stored as fat.
4. Get the help of a professional
Unfortunately, most people don't know enough about the human body, nutrition, or effective exercise to meet their health and fitness goals. Ask yourself this one question, "Am I happy with my current progress or condition?" If you're not, you should consider getting the help of a qualified personal fitness professional. Don't depend on the information you get from magazines or from your local gym/ health club. A qualified fitness professional can help you achieve your health and fitness goals, and in less time than you would imagine.
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Commonly question about Fitness Do You Want A Flat Stomach?
Want flat stomach, toned aswell but my stomach is quite fat? Need info on diet/fitness also.?
I m an 18 year old female who has lived on junk food and pasta , literally the last year its been pasta pasta pasta. Now i m doing my best to alter my diet after fainting etc. I have included salads, soup, vegetables & flavoured water(dont like regular water) into my diet. I ve never been much of a meat eater i can eat chicken sometimes but im fussy with it , i dont really want to build muscle, its just to get very toned....Basically i am 8 stone 10, my overall body is in okay shape except my stomach!!! it s like all my weight goes to my stomach ?! it honstley looks like im 3 months pregnant!!! i dont know why this is?! its the lower abs which are fat, but the upper abs are really i dont know how to explain, upper abs are sort of built/feel hard and i think this is causing my lower abs to stick out more :/ i just look pregnant basically. (I also look bigger because i don t have a big cleavage)
Also have been doing workouts , such as 30 minute abs exercises from youtube or 10 minute glutes and thighs workouts just to mix them up. I find crunches /lying down exercises really sore on my neck and i dont feel i do them right so my workouts for abs are all standing...i find cardio workouts like death, because i get very out of breath im very unfit and just give up, i honestly cant do them:/
1) why is it only my stomach that puts on weight?
2) what are good exercises for upper abs?
3)what are good exercises for lower abs?
4) is it better to eat normal sized healthy meals, or lots of small healthy meals?
ps have been trying the special K thing by eating 2 portions for breakfast and lunch, does this work??????
4) is it better to
I definitely feel your frustration. If it s any comfort to you, you are not alone. The midsection is a common problem for many of us. You provide a lot of detail and asked several questions. Allow me to try to address your questions and refer you to some wonderful articles that I hope will help you.
1) Unfortunately, everyone gains and loses weight differently. We tend to gain weight disproportionately and lose weight proportionately. Very frustrating.
2) and 3) See the articles I list below for examples of great ab exercises for both upper and lower abs.
4) Not sure what you were going to ask ...?
I wish you the best!
Allan D.-
Fitness exercises for a flat stomach?
hi i want to try and lose some weight i do have a bit of a stomache and woundered if any one new of any exersises i could do to help flatten my stomache?im not lazy as i eat well (cud cut out a bit of the chocolate!) i got trampolinging for three hours a week and horse riding for 1 hour a week! could some one plz help me!!
You can t flatten a tummy with exercise, but you can firm the muscles underneath. Bicycyle excercises (where you lay down and alternate elbows to knees) are great as is Pilates. In the meantime, you will have to exercise to reduce fat all over. Move at least 20-30 min w/o stopping three times a week minimum. Cut out salt and alcohol and have small meals throughout the day. Small portions will shrink your tummy faster, Stay away from carbonated beverages and foods that give you gas, they protrude the stomach.
What is a good fitness routine to get a flat stomach?
I m sixteen and I m pretty petite, I m comfortable with my whole body but the only problem is my large stomach. It makes me look disproportional because every other part is skinny and then my stomach sticks out so much. I swear it looks like I m permanently bloated or pregnant! XD I have a treadmill at home so I m wondering if running everyday for 30 min will make a difference. Doesn t running help reduce fat in every area? Should I run for 30 minutes in the morning and then at night do 100 sit ups? I really want to get my stomach flat before summer is over - that s my goal. Please provide an easy, step by step fitness plan. I never exercise so I need to start w/something easier in the beginning. Also, provide how many days of the week I should work out..etc. Thank you! I really need to start getting active because I m worried since I never work out and continue to splurge on food, that I will get fat!I m sixteen as well. And well I m not petite as you call yourself, but I am very athletic. I do two school sports each year to keep healthy. I am no expert, but a diet will help you maintain your weight, but don t go on those stupid diets that have women stressing on every single pound. Eat less fatty foods, allow at the most one day to eat some fast food or that high sugar food you ve been craving all week long.
Drink sufficient water, I believe it s 8 glassfulls a day for the average human being. I don t keep track, all I know is I bring a waterbottle with me everywhere I go. You will begin to pee(or urinate to be precise) quite a bit until your body acustoms itself to it.
I have several recommendations for a workout:
1. It s summer, you must have time on your hands. Sign up for the gym, and go for an hour or two a day a few times a week. Don t overdo it. Try 24 hour fitness. Open 24 hours a day, so it can fit your schedual. Works out for everyone.
2. If you can t afford the gym, use resources around you. See a nice, quiet, safe area in your town near home. Go out in the morning or evening when it s still light, and jog. I don t recommend running like I do(I m used to it from track&field).
Before you do anything, remember to stretch well. You don t want to strain a muscle. Jog at a pace you feel is good for you, regulate your breathing. And bring a water bottle with you. Music as well helps while you re running. When you re jogging/running, keep your arms at your side never criss-cross across your chest, it tightens your chest and allows less oxygen to flow through your body at a 90 degree angle. Opposite arm, opposite leg. Lift left leg with right arm, and right leg with left arm. Practice at your house for a few minutes until you get a hang of it. And jog/run for as long as you feel comfortable. And each day increase your time by 5-10 minutes.
3. Get yourself a personal trainer. Ask him/her for tips on better fitness and a good diet.
4. Have fun & be active, this is your summer, you shouldn t be worrying so much about your body. As long as you re doing something, and moving around. It should be great. Swimming laps helps your upper body strenght, and legs.
There are so many things you can do.
Like; sign up for a pilates class, or even an areobics class.
It is fun.
Oh, and during the year I recommend a sport or two during school. It helps you stay fit, and attentive towards your grades as well. I ve done wrestling and track. And am signing up for volleyball in the fall. :)
Have fun and good luck. :)
p.s. I know some people who do this, and it s so not healthy for you. Don t go anorexic or bulemic. It does you no good, but only gives your parents a hospital bill.
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