Sunday, September 9, 2012

Six-pack of diet tips to get a beach body

It's swimsuit season, or it's coming to a pool or beach very soon depending on what the temperatures are like where you live. In order to not look like a

 ... Get A Six Pack Fast Tips How To Flatten Your Stomach Exercise Guide
... Get A Six Pack Fast Tips How To Flatten Your Stomach Exercise Guide

It's swimsuit season, or it's coming to a pool or beach very soon depending on what the temperatures are like where you live.
In order to not look like a beached whale or stuffed sausage in your swimming suit, you may need to tweak your diet and start exercising more.
When it comes to dieting, here are six simple tips to help slim down to a beach body:
1. Think natural - The more natural and closer to nature foods are the better. Build your diet around fruits and vegetables.
2. Quit drinking soda - You should really cut out all sodas, just because it says diet doesn't mean it's better for you than regular soda. Diet soda still contains lots of sugar and artificial ingredients and can still add weight to your body. Some studies have found that people who drink diet soda are still more likely to gain weight and develop diabetes than those who don't.
3. Avoid white pasta - Choose whole grain pasta over white pasta as it will be lower in sugars and carbs.
4. Choose dark chocolate over white and milk chocolate - Two ounces of white chocolate can contain 320 calories.
5. Limit alcohol consumption - The benefits of wine are often trumpeted, however, be aware that if you're trying to lose weight excess wine drinking can still pack on the calories. Limit your consumption to one drink during the week, two on weekends.
6. Choose sugar free products carefully - The label may say sugar free but like with lots of products marked this way the gum still can act like a sugar in the body because it's loaded with artificial sweeteners.

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Commonly question about Six-pack of diet tips to get a beach body

Question :

How do I get a six pack? I want answers from people who never had it before and was able to work to get one..?

Any suggestions? What s the best advice to getting a six pack? Diet tips and Fitness tips a PLUS!
Answer :
Alright man, many things factor into obtaining a six-pack. The fact is though, you already have a six-pack (everyone does). It s just covered by fat (either a thin layer, or a huge stack).

So, the first important aspect is diet. You MUST eat right to obtain the best results. No more greasy, fast food ****. You need alot of whole grain foods (wheat, cereals, oats, ect.), next you will need to eat more vegetables and fruits, and of course good quality protein (chicken, nuts, fish, hell even a protein shake), and NO SODAS whatsoever... water, water, and more water. Try to eat 6 small meals a day (this will boost your metabolism and help you loose that layer of fat over your abs)

Next, Fitness. You will need to do alot of cardio exercise to help you loose some weight around the waist. Run, treadmill, stair climber, ect. Along with that you will need good core workouts (body planks, sit ups, push ups, and crunches. Remember sit ups alone won t get you anywhere. You have to do alot more workouts than just sit ups.

Keep up with the exercise routine and diet, and please be patient. Results won t happen over night.

Best of luck! :)
Question :

I need a six pack fast,ive got a bit of a belly and decided i want a six pack,any diet tips or exercise tips ?

Answer :
well, there s your problem!!
Question :

Diet tips for a six pack?

Well i am very active and healthy person. I see my stomach getting more figure everyday. I want to know some foods that are good and some foods that i should avoid to help get rock hard abs. my goal by the end of the summer is to get a six pack. :)
Answer :
Hello Alex. The first thing you want to do is start eating 5-6 small meals per day if you aren t already. The reason is your body will become more efficient at burning calories. On average, The serving size of protein and carbohydrates should be the size of your fist. Vegetables can be the size two to three fists full. This is due to the high fiber and low caloric content. Some good sources of protein are: Lean chicken, pork, turkey, egg whites and protein shakes . Some good sources of carbohydrates are: Brown rice, oatmeal, yams or sweet potatoes, black beans (which are 1/2 protein 1/2 carbohydrates) and low glycemic fruits like pears, apples, berries or oranges. Always, avoid white carbs when trying to get cut. This includes white bread, white rice, pasta, candy or other sugar treats. You may even want to cut out carbs with dinner. Only eat a protein source and veggies. Do this for a month or so. I ve found that it helps lose fat a little faster.
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ISSA -Specialist in Performance Nutrition

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