Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fitness Need to Gain Muscle Mass?

Adding muscle mass is hard work. To get the most benefit from your hard work, you need to do three things: train right, get enough rest and eat right.Follow a Good Training ProgramMuscle ...


Successful formula for gaining muscle mass

Adding muscle mass is hard work. To get the most benefit from your hard work, you need to do three things: train right, get enough rest and eat right.

Follow a Good Training Program

Muscle growth results from progressive resistance training. The resistance program for building muscle generally includes two to four sets of 8-12 repetitions. To prevent injuries and maximize your efforts, practice safe and correct lifting techniques. Guidance by a professional trained in strength and conditioning can help.

Get Enough Sleep

Muscles tend to "grow" during rest, and especially during sleep. A hormone in your body that spurs muscle growth, called growth hormone, is highest when you sleep.

Getting enough sleep isn't easy. Saying no to going out, turning down extra hours at work, missing your favorite show, and doing homework early are the types of sacrifices you may have to make in order to get the rest you need.

Needs for sleep vary from person to person. Nine hours a night on weeknights and more on weekends is a good place to start. Signs that you are getting the right amount of sleep are that you fall asleep easily at night and wake up in the morning without an alarm clock.

Follow a Good Nutrition Program

The first nutrition goal is to eat enough calories to promote muscle growth. To build about 1 pound of muscle in a week, most athletes need 300-400 extra calories a day. You may need slightly more or less.

To know if you are eating the right amount, monitor your weight and body composition. Gaining to 1 pound per week is a sign that you are eating the right amount. Faster weight gain might mean that you are eating too much, causing excess fat gain. If you can, have your body composition checked each time you add 5-10 pounds. Your calorie intake is on target if the measurement shows that most or all of your weight gain is lean tissue.

The second nutrition goal is getting enough protein. Research shows athletes need more than non-athletes do. The US Olympic Committee's protein guideline for athletes in heavy training is 1.2 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. One kilogram equals 2.2 pounds so a 220-pound athlete weighs 100-kg. A 100-kg athlete would require 120 to 200 grams of protein per day. An athlete weighing 75-kg, or 165-pounds, would need 90 to 150 grams of protein per day. Protein is important, but don't ignore carbohydrate. After intense strength training, eating carbohydrate to replenish the muscle glycogen may help you recover faster and train harder. Aim for a carbohydrate intake of at least 5 grams per kilogram. That translates to 2.3 grams per pound. The menu shows an example of a well-balanced, high calorie diet that provides generous amounts of protein and carbohydrate.

Eating Habits that Work

Here are some tried and true nutrition techniques to put on lean mass:

1. Eat at least five times a day, such as three meals and two snacks. Eating this often takes some planning. Stock your backpack, locker or glove box with convenient, non-perishable snacks like bottled drinks, cereal bars, raisins, trail mix, dried fruit, peanut butter crackers, peanuts, muffins, bagels, canned or fresh fruits, sport bars, or liquid meals.

2. Eat many different foods. It's easy to get burned out on eating extra calories if you limit yourself to just a few foods.

3. Eat breakfast, even if it's a shake that you drink while you dress, and even if it means setting your alarm a few minutes earlier. On days when you can sleep in, set your alarm to get up to eat something, then go back to bed.

4. Include high quality proteins in your diet.

5. Drink high calorie, nutrient-rich beverages like shakes, smoothies or commercial liquid meals.

The Successful Formula

Your secret to success starts with a well-designed training program. Next in line is getting enough rest. Finally, you need a nutrition program to support your training and muscle growth. With these factors in place, you have the successful formula for gaining muscle mass.

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Commonly question about Fitness Need to Gain Muscle Mass?

Question :

I need an exercise to gain weight/muscle mass?

I want to gain muscle mass and weight from working out. I dont want to buy protein drinks or any of that stuff. Heres the equipment i have in my basement
gold gym bench (Squat, bench, and legs/curl on end)
Curling Bar
Fitness ball (idk what they are called)
Im 6ft and weight 138lbs so im pretty skinny
Answer :

3 times a week
Horizontal push - Bench press variation/angled dips
Horizontal pull - Bent over row/seated cable row
Vertical push - Overhead press variation
Vertical pull - Wide/narrow grip pull up
Quad dominant - Squat variation
Hip dominant - Deadlift RDL/SLDL

Vary you set rep ranges:
Monday - 5x5
Wednesday - 3x8
Friday - 3x10-12

Make sure you are consuming 1.3 grams of protein per kilo of lean bodyweight and make sure you drink 2litres of water a day.
Eat properly (YOUR BMR google it + 500 clean calories a day)

You should check out the site its really helpful if you want full scale , food routine/plan and weight lifting program thats really important if you want to gain weight


18 years of experience
Question :

Creatine and working out to gain muscle mass?

Hey everyone,

I am really skinny and need to gain muscle mass for sports and other things. I am planning on taking creatine because I heard it was the best supplement for gaining weight the fastest, and I was wondering what the best workout plan would be for gaining muscle fast and effectivley. I have access to 24 hour fitness, but I need a diet plan and workout plan. Any ideas?
Answer :
Creatine phosphate is produced naturally in the body. People who say it causes cramps, chest pains, or testicular atrophy are way off base. Creatine is one of the few supplements that has been proven to work. Creatine phosphate has been proven to increase ATP levels in muscle fibers, ATP is responisble for short bursts of energy(i.e. weightlifting). Endurance athletes have shown no considerable gain from creatine supplementation. I wrote the majority of my thesis on creatine supplementation. I read hundreds of medical journals and conducted my own research and found creatine is safe. When first starting creatine supplementation you need to "load". This means for the first week, you need to take 20g a day, so you should take in about 25g, because monohydrate is not absorbed at 100%. After the first week you can cut down to 7g a day. Hope this helps, feel free to email me with any further questions. I enjoy answering questions in my field of research.



way too much school...
Question :

Fitness - Muscle gain?

im 15 male and above average hight but im only 9 - 9.5 stone.

im very fit and healthy, my muscles are easy to see because of very low body fat, how can i gain muscle mass

can i do this through training at home you know running, sit ups, push ups, pull ups that kind of thing or do i need to do some weights.

i eat 2 meals a day (no breakfast) does this make a diffrence
Answer :
okkkkk. dude.
sits ups, push ups, pull ups, will only help you to a degree. and that depends on your body weight. Here it is 9-0.5 stone. so it wont help you a lot. You can do sit ups all day and you wont get any bigger, theyll just be more defined.
If you want to increase muscle mass, then you need to go to a gym really, or have access to freeweights that are of varying weights.
What you want to do is increase the load, so you lift more weight but in turn do less reps. A common way of building muscle mass is called pyramid training. Basically there are two ways to do this:
1. Start with the heaviest weight you can lift (you can do this with any of your muscle groups), then do 2 reps. Next move one step down in weight, and do 4 reps. Again, move the weight down one step and do 6 reps on that. Do this until you either get tired, or you have reached the lowest weight (within reason) and are doing about 10-15 reps.
Generally you want to be pushing yourself not for your stamina, but for your strength. Move up in weights and push yourself. It is extremely IMPORTANT that you dont voer exert yourself, otherwise youll be doing harm to yourself. Do what you can manage, not what you want to manage. Push yourself but not too much.
2 meals a day is bad dude. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. FACT. so start eating your weetabix. As diet is concerned, you want a high protein diet (fish, meat, etc) as this will make your muscle repair faster. You will grow a lot quicker with more protein in your diet. If you eat too much protein and dont work it off, you just build up fat. So make sure you put in the work.
Generally you really need to go to a gym where you have the facilities to do higher weights. ALSO, its a good idea to actually get abit of fat on you before you start. It is a lot harder to gain muscle mass if youre thin and skinny. Because as you work out, you utilise what you already have on your body, so your build will generally be larger and more stocky. Which is what you want. I strongly advise you invest in the gym or freeweights.
Also, youre still young. I started working out when i was about 15 as well (a few years ago now), and your body is still growing and developing, so you dont want to be using the machines incorreclty or damaging yourself. You also need structure to your work out. Always try to do more than you did last time, but make sure you dont do less. Also try and advance. Despite this, you need to pace yourself. Dont try and do too much too quickly. Muscle training also requires a lot of commitment and patience. You may not see results immediately, and you may want to move onto the hardest weights you can do, BUT it is VITAL that you warm up and warm down. before and after a work out. Otherwise youwill damage yourself.

if you have any questions just ask me (

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