Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fitness Better Rest To Gain More Muscle

Are you frustrated with not gaining any weight while you keep putting in the hard yards in the gym day after day, week after week? It might be because you are not getting enough quality rest and ...

Exercise leads to better sleep
Exercise leads to better sleep

Are you frustrated with not gaining any weight while you keep putting in the hard yards in the gym day after day, week after week? It might be because you are not getting enough quality rest and sleep and this could be what's holding back those big gains you are looking for.

While you are on any weight gain program you have to be careful, and you have to stop any intense cardio work. It will mar your strength training progress, and take a big bite into the energy needed for your recovery.

Remember that your body adapts best to a stimulus when it only has to adapt to a single stimulus, and the main priority here is strength training. So please keep all incidental activity at a low. In a sense you have to become "lazy". By this I mean: instead of running, walk, instead of walking, sit, and instead of sitting, lay down.

Another point is that if you want to gain more muscle, you will have to try to get more sleep. Go to bed early whenever possible and sleep late whenever you can.

Here are some other reasons why you should sleep more:

* Insufficient sleep has been linked with increases in fat tissue in the body and a loss of muscle strength and muscle mass.

* Lack of sleep causes a decrease in bone density, particularly in women because it can lead to osteoporosis.

Good sleep is as important as a service is for your car. It recharges your batteries, changes your oil and tops up your fluids so you can operate at peak function.

Sleep also repairs the body after strength training workouts and strengthens the immune system.

If you're having trouble sleeping, it might just be that you are lacking certain vital nutrients in your diet, leaving you feeling depressed or anxious and causing you to wake during the night unable to return to sleep.

Try and include the following foods in your diet for a better nights sleep:


Unprocessed cereals contain starch and complex carbohydrate to fuel energy reserves and give a comfortably full feeling.

Starch is known to greatly increase production of the endorphin serotonin, which is the body's natural feel good drug. It acts to control moods, reduce anxiety and promote normal sleeping patterns.

Try a bowl of cereal just before bedtime; bread is also a good choice.


The oat flakes from which porridge is made are an excellent source of vitamin B6, which is needed to promote serotonin levels in the brain. Alkaloids in the grains can also have a relaxing effect.


Tuna and other oily fish are an excellent source of calcium, a lack of which is said to cause anxiety.

So increasing the intake of these in the diet may well relieve stress-induced insomnia. Oily fish is also an excellent source of Omega 3 oils, which are essential for general health.


A good source of protein for those who are lacking this nutrient and its endorphin-stimulating amino acids.

Pasta has a very low salt content, and is low in fat. It's rich source of complex carbohydrates to fill you up and because it releases energy slowly, helps you feel pleasantly calm.

A perfect food choice for relaxation before bedtime.


Bananas are a rich source of potassium, a vital mineral for nerve function and a lack of which can cause you to feel depressed and in turn lead to insomnia.

Bananas also have plenty of serotonin stimulating starchy carbohydrate to relax you and are a good source of the amino acid tryptophan, also needed for the production of serotonin.


Nuts are rich in B vitamins, proteins and selenium. Brazil nuts are the richest source of selenium.

Nuts are also high in protein, a lack of which can cause anxiety and depression. They contain both amino acids tryptophan and L-phenylalanine, which helps the body to produce those relaxing endorphins.


A source of vitamin C, which helps to produce endorphins and a good source of potassium, a lack of which can cause stress.

The red color is due to a flavonoid, which seem to function as a biological response modifier. In other words they can change your mood for the better and help you relax.

In conclusion, to have a fully rested body every day is a giant step towards making big progress in the Gym. High intensity workouts can then be maintained for longer periods and you'll have much more energy available during a workout to push out that extra rep.

"Increase your SLEEP and increase your GAINS"

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain.

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Commonly question about Fitness Better Rest To Gain More Muscle

Question :

Whats better? The 30 day shred by Jillian M OR Billy Blanks Ultimate Boot camp?

I can only have one. o.O
What burns more fat and helps you gain more muscle?
If you think both of em suck what do you do? o.o
I can t go out because its madd cold,
and I heard about this and I was like WHOA, sick.
So im leaving it up to you!
Which one is better?
My fitness rest in your hands! *3* xD
Please and thank you. :3

Your perfect enemy
Answer :
What burns more fat is a great diet, daily exercise, and plenty of sleep. Im not saying those workouts dont work but you cant be willing to compromise work outs. Decide youre going to get up get out and do thinks the old fashion way, youd be suprised just how repleneshing a 30 minute jog in the "madd cold" can be, if it really is to cold find a tredmill or a pool but get up and get your limbs moving. Also those work outs might help but your body only gets conditioned to do the workouts you do, so you can do those all you want, it wont help you get any better at running or swimming or hiking or biking, and thats the stuff your body really longs for. The body doesnt belong in a cage, any work out thats done in place may be good, but its not enough.


Used to be a little porker! got off my *** and it changed my life :)
Question :

I am aiming to become superfit,I run almost everyday is this good or is there a recommened amount of rest?

I have read several times that an adult should do at least thirty minutes of exercise a day,I do a few press ups,crunches and weights but devote the majority of time to running.Is this bad I do it pretty much everyday?Or should I run less and do other varied exercise because dont want to overuse the same muscles?What other exercise could I do,I want to increase my stamina,and get a a more toned boday to and also gain more sexual fitness.Thankyou
Answer :
You should not run every day, not just for your muscles sake, but for you joints. You see, muscles develop fast, especially if you re young. But tendons and ligaments do not get strong as fast as your muscles. You can damage your joints if you do not allow them to catch up with rest. Try running every other day, or even two days in a row, one day rest. And take every fifth week off. Then you ll find you ve improved in the next week. It s probly best to do weight training every other day, and cardiovascular (running, elliptical machine, swimming) on the other days.

If running is your method of choice, I would not do too much strength training in your legs, as bulking up your quads may slow you down. But focus on your core muscles (abs, obliques, back) which support your running and make you a stronger runner. I hope this helps.


Life long runner, even through pregnancies.
Question :

Having trouble with the weight loss process?

I m 18 years old and a few years ago I lost 30 lbs. I grew an inch in a half which made me gain 12 lbs back and then the rest i gained back by poor diet and lack of exercises. A month ago i signed up for planet fitness and i go at least 5 times a week for at least an hour. when I go I hit the elliptical for 10 minutes, the stepper for 10 mins, the bike for 10, and the treadmill for 10 or sometimes 20. Then I do the 30 minute express circuit which is all to do with weights. I try eating better I cant say I have done great at it but its definitely better then before but I got on the scale after a month of working out and I had gained 2 more lbs. I need some help because I feel like I might start to give up. I think what I need is a healthy meal plan that is effective. I am trying to lose that 30 lbs again so please tell me of some meals I can eat and snacks!!!!!!
Heres a list of what I have been eating:
Breakfast - 2 eggs and toast
snack- apple
lunch- sometimes I skip it other times I will have a sandwhich such has ham and cheese on wheat
snack- granola bar
dinner- whatever my mom cooks ( pasta, chicken... reagular stuff)
after- I dont usually eat after dinner but if I do I have a granola bar, maybe some oatmeal
I drink water, tea, and maybe v8 juice
Answer :
I found powerful and proven methods designed to help you to lose weight permanently in:


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